- familiar to (well-known)
- familiar with (knowing, friendly)
- fascinated by / for / with (not about)
- fascination for / of (a thing)
- fatal for / to
- father (n. v.) by / on / with (a child)
- favourable for (suitable)
- favourable to (in favour of)
- fear (n.) about / of (flying)
- fear (n. v.) for (one's safety)
- fear (n.) of (God)
- fight about / over (things, opinions)
- fight against (cancer)
- fight for (a cause)
- fight with (a person, not against)
- fight with (a weapon)
- filled by (agent)
- filled with (contents, not by)
- firm in / of / on / with
- fixated on (not about or with)
- flexible about (visiting hours, not over)
- fob (a person) off with (a thing)
- focus (n.v.) on (not about, around or to)
- foist (a thing) on (a person, not at)
- fond of
- fondness for
- forbid to (do, not from doing)
- foreign to (way of thinking, not from)
- fortunate in (one's friends)
- fortunate with (investments)
- free (adj.) from / of
- free (v.) from (liberate)
- free (v.) of (exempt)
- free (adj.) with (money, carefree)
- frightened by (a recent event)
- frightened of (general fear)
- frustrated by / with (not over)
- full of / with
- fundamental to (not for)
- furious at (an event)
- furious with (a person or object)
- furnish (someone) with (a thing)
- fusion of (two things, not between)
- fuss (n. v.) about / of / over
- generous in / of / to / with
- glad at (an event)
- glad of (assistance)
- glad for (a person)
- good at / for / to / with
- good luck on (your date)
- good luck to (your date)
- graduate (n.) of (Cambridge, not from)
- graduate (v.) from (Cambridge)
- grapple with
- grateful for (something)
- grateful to (somebody)
- gratified by / with
- greedy for (not of)
- grieve about / at / for/ over (a death)
- grieve for (a person)
- guard (v.) against (be vigilant, not from)
- guard (v.) against / from (protect)
- guiltless of
- guilty about (i.e., feeling guilty)
- guilty of (a crime)
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9:36:00 PM