1.(C) change "Youthful" into "youths"
2.(B)Change 'importance' into 'important'
3.(C) No error
4.(D) No error(This is a phrase. Hence we cannot change 'not' into 'neither')
5.(D)Change 'sold' into 'sale'
6.(D)Change 'too' into 'so'
7.(B)Change June 26th into June 26 or 26th June
8.(D)Add 'the' before 'details' . Also 'was on official tour' must be 'had been on official tour'
9.(A) use "nor his wife" instead of "or his wife"
10.(B)Change 'biography' into 'biographies'
11.(B)Change 'recommended' into 'advised'
12.(D) No Error
13.(A) Change 'fools' into 'a fool'
14.(C)Change 'rain' into 'rained'
15.(A)Add 'a' before 'man'
16.(A)remove 'a' and 'boy'
17.(B)change "move" into "Moves"
18.(D) No Error
19.(C)Change "make" into "makes".
20.(D)Change 'affective' into 'effective'
2.(B)Change 'importance' into 'important'
3.(C) No error
4.(D) No error(This is a phrase. Hence we cannot change 'not' into 'neither')
5.(D)Change 'sold' into 'sale'
6.(D)Change 'too' into 'so'
7.(B)Change June 26th into June 26 or 26th June
8.(D)Add 'the' before 'details' . Also 'was on official tour' must be 'had been on official tour'
9.(A) use "nor his wife" instead of "or his wife"
10.(B)Change 'biography' into 'biographies'
11.(B)Change 'recommended' into 'advised'
12.(D) No Error
13.(A) Change 'fools' into 'a fool'
14.(C)Change 'rain' into 'rained'
15.(A)Add 'a' before 'man'
16.(A)remove 'a' and 'boy'
17.(B)change "move" into "Moves"
18.(D) No Error
19.(C)Change "make" into "makes".
20.(D)Change 'affective' into 'effective'
Answers and Explanations
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