• habituated to ( not with)
  • handling (n.) of (an affair, not over)
  • hanker after / for
  • happen to (somebody, not with)
  • harmful to (not for)
  • hate for / of
  • hateful to
  • hatred for / of
  • hats off to (someone) for (something)
  • hazardous to (one's health, not for)
  • hear about / from / of
  • heart-broken at (not over)
  • heed of (not to)
  • heedful of
  • heedless of
  • heir of (a person)
  • heir to (property)
  • hell-bent on (doing, not for)
  • hesitate in (doing)
  • hesitate to (do)
  • hesitation in (doing, not to do)
  • hopeless about (not of)
  • hostile to (not against)

  • identical to / with
  • ignorant of (not to)
  • imbue (a person) with (a quality)
  • immaterial to (not for)
  • immersed in (not with)
  • immune from (prosecution, punishment)
  • immune to (a disease, persuasion)
  • immunize against (a disease, not from)
  • impact (n.) of (something) on (a person or thing)
  • impatient for (news, payment)
  • impatient of (interruption, rebuke)
  • impatient with (a person. behaviour)
  • impervious to (not of)
  • impinge against / of
  • implication in (robbery)
  • implication of (statement)
  • implications for (not on)
  • important for / to
  • impose on (not to)
  • impressed by / with
  • inadequate for (a person)
  • inadequate to (one's needs)
  • incapable of (doing, not to do)
  • incensed at / by / with incidental to
  • include among (two or more)
  • include in (the price)
  • incomprehension of (English grammar, not for)
  • inconsiderate about (things or opinions)
  • inconsiderate of (someone's feelings)
  • increase (n .v.) in (energy, not to)
  • inculcate (an idea) in / into (someone, not on or with)
  • indebted to (you) for (assistance)
  • independent of (not from or on)
  • indicative of
  • indifferent to (not about or for)
  • indignant at (a thing)
  • indignant with (a person)
  • indispensable for / to
  • indulge in (an activity)
  • indulgence for (toleration)
  • indulgence in (participation)
  • ineligible for
  • infected with (disease)
  • infested with (rats)
  • infer(ence) from
  • inferior to (not than)
  • infested with
  • inflict upon (not with)
  • influence (n.) on / over / with (a person or thing)
  • influence (v.) on / in / upon (a person or thing)
  • influenced by
  • information about (not of)
  • infuse into (someone)
  • initiate (v.) in (a science)
  • initiate (v.) into (a society)
  • inscrutable to (a person, not by or for)
  • insensible to
  • insight into (not of)
  • insist on (not in)
  • inspire (a vision) in (someone, not into)
  • inspire (someone) with (a vision)
  • inspired by / with
  • instill in / into (not towards)
  • insufficient for (needs)
  • insufficient in (quantity)
  • intent on (something, doing something)
  • intention of / to
  • intercede for (a person) with (another person)
  • interest (n. v.) in (not at or to)
  • interested in (not by)
  • interfere in (intervene, meddle)
  • interfere with (hinder, obstruct)
  • interested in (not about)
  • intrigued by (fascinated, not with)
  • intrigued with (plotted)
  • intrusion into (not of)
  • inundated with (telegrams, not by)
  • inured to (hard work, not against)
  • invest in (a business)
  • invest with (an office)
  • investigation in / into / of (not over)
  • involved in (included in)
  • involved with (committed to)
  • involved with (a person)
  • irrespective of
  • issue (n.) of (not about)

  • jealous for / of (my reputation)
  • jealous about / of / towards (envious)
  • join (v.) in (a game)
  • join (v.) to (connect)
  • join (v.) with (a person or thing)
  • jubilant about (good news, not with)
  • judged by (not as or on)
  • justification for (not of)
  • justified in (opinions, not of)

  • keen of (hearing)
  • keen on (enthusiastic, not about of for)
  • knowledge of (a subject, not about)
  • knowledgeable about (not of or on)

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