• dabble in (not at / with)
  • date (v.) back to / from / to
  • deal (v.) in (doing business)
  • deal (v.) with (attend to)
  • debar from
  • debate (n. v.) about / on / over (an issue, not
  • around)
  • decide about (a matter)
  • decide on (a course of action, doing)
  • decide to (do)
  • defence against (attack)
  • defence for (excuse, justification)
  • defence of (liberty)
  • defend against / from (not of)
  • defer to (a person, opinion)
  • defiant against, of, to, toward(s).
  • deficient in
  • definition of (a word, not to)
  • delighted at / by / in / with
  • demand (n.) on (a person) for (something)
  • demand (v.) (an intangible thing ) of (a person)
  • demand (v.) of (a person, ask)
  • demand (v.) (a tangible thing) from (a person)
  • demanding on (onerous, not of)
  • depart at (9 a.m.)
  • depend(ent) on (not to)
  • dependence of (one thing) on (another)
  • deprive of (not from)
  • derelict in (one's duties. not with)
  • derive (pleasure) from (not in)
  • derogate from (detract, deviate)
  • derogatory of / to
  • description of (not about)
  • desire (n.) for
  • desirous of
  • despair for (a person)
  • despair (n.) of / over (losing)
  • despair (n. v.) of (ever winning, not for)
  • destitute of
  • destructive of (not to)
  • determination to excel (not of excelling)
  • detrimental to
  • deviate from
  • devoid of (not from)
  • devotee of (not to)
  • devotion to (not for or in)
  • die for (a cause)
  • die from (an injury)
  • die of (an illness, not from)
  • differ from (be different)
  • differ from / with (disagree)
  • difference between (two things, not in)
  • *different from / than / to
  • differentiate amongst (several things)
  • differentiate between (two things)
  • differentiate (one thing) from (another)
  • difficult for / of / with
  • disabuse (a person) of (an idea, not from)
  • disaffected with (not by)
  • disagree about / on / over (things, opinions)
  • disagree with (someone, not from)
  • disappointed by / with (an outcome)
  • disappointed of (something not obtained)
  • disappointed in (something obtained)
  • disappointed in / with (a person)
  • disappointment over (failure)
  • disappointment to (somebody)
  • discouraged by (something)
  • discouraged from (doing, not in)
  • discriminate against / in favour of
  • discriminate among or between (alternatives)
  • discriminate (one thing) from (another)
  • disdain for / of
  • disdainful of (not about)
  • disgust (n.) at / for / with (not against or toward(s))
  • disgusted at / by / with (not against or toward(s))
  • disinclination to
  • disincline (a person) from (doing)
  • disinclined to (do)
  • dislike (n.) of (not at or for)
  • dismayed by (not with)
  • displeased at / by / with
  • disproportionate to (not with)
  • dispute (n. v.) about or over (a matter)
  • dispute (n. v.) with (somebody, not against)
  • disqualified for (a wrong-doing )
  • disqualified from (a race, doing)
  • disregard for / of
  • disrespect (n. v.) for (not of)
  • dissent (v.) from (not on or to)
  • dissimilar to (not from)
  • dissuade from (not against)
  • distaste (n. v.) for
  • distinguish among (several things)
  • distinguish between (two things)
  • distinguish (one thing) from (another)
  • distinguished by (singled out)
  • distinguished for (eminent)
  • distracted from (one thing) by (another)
  • distrust(ful) of
  • disturbed about / at (perturbed)
  • disturbed by (disrupted)
  • divest from (cease investing)
  • divest of (relinquish)
  • do (something) for (someone, help)
  • do (something) to (someone, hurt)
  • dominated by (an idea, not with)
  • domination by (someone) of / over (another)
  • doubt (n.) about / of / on
  • doubtful about / of
  • dream (n. v.) about (entertain an idea)
  • dream (v.) of (one's lover)
  • drunk from / on / with
  • dubious about / of
  • dwell on (linger, not over)


  • effect (n.) on (not for or to)
  • embark for (a place)
  • embark on (a ship, career)
  • embarrassed by (behavior)
  • embarrassed with (debts)
  • emboldened by (liquor, not with)
  • embroiled in (a dispute)
  • embroiled with (a person)
  • empathize with
  • empathy with (not towards)
  • employee of (a company, not for)
  • enamored of (not about or with)
  • enchanted by / with
  • end (n.) to (a problem)
  • end (v.) at (a place, not up at)
  • end (v.) in / with (not by)
  • endowed by (fate) with (talent)
  • enemy of / to
  • engrossed in (a book)
  • engulfed by (war)
  • engulfed in (flames, not with)
  • enough of (not with)
  • enquire about (fares)
  • enquire after (someone's health)
  • enquire for (looking for)
  • enquire into (investigate)
  • enquiry into (not over)
  • entangled in (one thing)
  • entangled with (two things)
  • enter into (an agreement)
  • enthralled by / with (new baby, enchanted) evidence of (human settlement)
  • enthralled to ( T.V., enslaved) example of (instance, not for)
  • enthused by / over (not about, for or with) example to (model)
  • enthusiasm for (not about) excel at / in (activity)
  • enthusiastic about (not for or with) excel in (ability)
  • entrust (something) to (someone) exception to (a rule, statement, not from)
  • entrust (someone) with (something) excited about (badminton, not for)
  • envious about / of / towards excited about / at / by (a new baby)
  • equal (adj.) to (two things, not as, for or with) excused for (pardoned)
  • equal (adj.) to (the task) excused from (released)
  • equate to (make equal) exempt from
  • equate with (consider equal, not to) expect from / of
  • equivalent (adj.) to expectation(s) of (not for)
  • equivalent (n.) of experience of (travel, not with)
  • escape from (danger) experience in (teaching)
  • essential for / to explanation for / of
  • euphemism for (dying, not of) explication of (a text, not on)
  • evidence for (a theory, not of) extraneous to (not of)

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