The hindu Vocab

5th Mar 2016

  1. Nudge (Verb) – Jog / bump / Jab – ले जाना/कुहनी से छूना
The poor creature was all bones and only waiting for a nudge to push him into the grave.

  1. Evolve (verb) – develop / expand – फैलाना / दिखाना / विकसित करना
Some of them are monsters in size, and evolve a current that is terrific.

  1. Fraternity (N) –Kinship / Brotherhood – भाई चारा
The fraternity had had refusals before, they usually began this way.

  1. Proctor (N) – appointee / agent / delegate – प्रतिनिधि
Then he came back to proctor with a gloomy face, and shook his head.

  1. Self-sustenance (N) – Autonomy / independence – स्‍वावलंबन / निर्भरता
Perhaps they suffer less than their white brothers, who have more aspiration and refinement, with little power of self-sustenance.

  1. Implement (V) – Start / put into action / execute –अंजाम देना / कार्मान्वित करना
Taking the implement in his hand, and the rope, which he fastened round his waist, he swam back to the tree.

  1. Coincide (V) – concert / concur / accord – मिलना / एक मत होना
 In the other words, the axes of figure of the two surfaces must coincide.

  1. Rejuvenated (V) – Renovate / refresh / regenerate – नया करना / फिर से जवान हो जाना
They want to rejuvenate me, said Mclivaine, with a certain shy pleasure.

  1. Lukewarm (Adj)– Tepid / warmish / slightly heated – गुनगुना / उदासीन
When the syrup is lukewarm, put your fruit in the jars and pour it over.

  1. Discrepancy (N) – inconsistency / conflict / distinction – असहमति / भेद
Hence there was great amazement when the discrepancy was discovered.

4th Mar 2016                                                                                                       6th Mar 2016

The hindu Vocab

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