- Dissident (Adj.) – (discordant / Sectarian) (असहमत)
And after tonight. I wasn’t sure that I was in any better shape than an Indian dissident.
- Onus (N) – (encumbrance / blur) (बोझ/कार्य)
Any tyro in the logics will tell thee that the onus of proving lies with the accuser.
- Perquisite (N)-(Mandatory / expedient / necessary) (अतिआवश्यक/परमाधिकार)
This course would be perquisite to Protection.
- Adverse – (Conflicting / inimical / unfavorable) (विपरीत/हानिकर)
The adverse weather held us in front and the disease pressed on our rear.
- Usher (V) – (Associate with / escort) – (ले जाना / प्रवेश करना)
At a sign from his master the usher drew a chair and then retired.
- Ailment (N) – (Ache / diseases)– (बीमारी)
The Taljum complained of an ailment from which he had suffered for some time.
- Disrupt (V) – (upset / disarray / rattle)– (परेशान/बैचेन)
This truth need not, and will not, disrupt any happy marriages.
- Preach (V) – (deliver sermon / exhort / address) (उपदेश देना / आमुख)
He will preach to whatever audience he can gather around him.
- Veteran – (skilled / versed) (अनुभवी)
The veteran obstinately matched her by becoming deafer than ever.
- Opaque – (hazy / cloudy / muddy) – (धुँधला/अस्पष्ट)
But common glass of which spectacles are made is opaque to it.