Best One Word Substitution

“One word substitutes” as the phrase indicates itself are the words that replace group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences. Like the word “Autobiography” can be used in place of the sentence “The life story of a man written by himself”. It is very important to write precisely and speak in a single word. Generally, we speak or write in a garrulous way. But, it is seen that precise words are always understood easily by all. At times we become verbose which is not required and we are required to talk or speak precisely. This not only makes the language easily comprehendible but also makes it beautiful. The other way, we can say that these words are used to bring an effect of compression in any kind of writing, for example in business communication there are instances when we have to write a lot with in limitation of time and space, there these kind of words can prove quite handy. In English language there are a lots of single words for a group of words that can be used effectively to make the writing to the point that too without losing the meaning of the context.
AbbreviationA shortened form of a word or phraseसंक्षिप्त रूप, लघु रूप
AbdicationVoluntary renouncing throneसिंहासन त्याग, राज त्याग
AbolishDo away with whollyउनमूलन करना, मिटा देना
AboriginesOriginal inhabitants of a countryप्राचीन देशवासी
AbridgedAn edition a book in which it has been condensed.संक्षिप्त
AccelerateTo increase the speed; to hasten the progress ofगति बढ़ाना, तेज करना
AccessibleWhich can be approachedसुगम्य, सुलभ, गम्नीय
AcclimatizeTo accustom oneself in new climateआदी होना, नये वातावरण के अनुकूल होना
AccountableLiable to be called to accountजिम्मेदार होना
AcquaintMake oneself familiar with a person or a thing .परिचित कराना, जानकारी प्राप्त करना
AcquittalThe act of freeing a person from a charge by verdict.दोष रहित, रिहाई
ActuaryOne who calculates premiumबीमांकक, बीमांकिक
AdolescenceThe period between childhood and adulthoodकिशोरावस्था
AdulterationTo falsify a thing by admixture or baser ingredients.अपमिश्रित, मिलावट
AggravateTo increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a diseaseऔर बिगाड़ देना, तीव्र करना
AggressorA person who attacks firstआक्रमणकारी
AgnosticOne who doubts the existence of godनास्तिक, संशयवादी
AlienOne who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen.अलग दुनिया का, विदेशी मनुष्य, ऊपर देशीय
AlienateTo turn friends in enemiesविरोधी बनाना, दूर कर देना
AlimonyAllowance paid to wife on legal separationप्रत्यक्यता(तलाक दी हुई) पत्नी के लिए वृति या जीविका निर्वाह व्यय
AltruistA person who loves every bodyपरोपकारी
AmateurOne who does something not professionally but for pleasureशौकीया, नौसिखिया
AmbassadorA person representing a state in a foreign country.राजदूत
AmbidextrousOf a person who can use both hands equally wellअभ्यत, दोनो हाथ इस्तेमाल करने में निपुण
AmbiguousA sentence whose meaning is unclearअस्पष्ट, दुविधापूर्ण
AmbivalentHaving opposing feelingsमिले जुले भाव वाला
AmbulanceA van which is used in transporting wounded or serious patients.रोगी वाहन, अस्पताल गाड़ी
AmnesiaLoss of memoryयाददाश्त खो जाना, स्मृतिलोप
AmnestyGeneral pardonराज-क्षमा, क्षमादान
AmphibianA land animal that breeds in waterजल तथा स्थल में रहने वाला जन्तु
AnarchistOne who is out to subvert a governmentअराजकतावादी
AnarchyAbsence of governmentअराजकता, अव्यवस्था
AnniversaryThe yearly return of a date.सालगिरह, वर्षगाँठ
AnnualWhich happens once a year.वार्षिक
AnomalyDeviation from common ruleअनियमित्ता
AnonymousA book written by an unknown authorगुमनाम, बेनाम लेखक
AnswerableA person liable to be called to account for his actionउत्तरदायी, जवाबदेही
AntedateTo date before the true timeपूर्व-दिनांकित करना
AnthropologyA study of manमानव विज्ञान
AntidoteA medicine to counteract the effect of another medicineविषनाशक, विषहरण औषधि
AntisepticA medicine that prevents decomposingरोगाणु रोधक
AntonymA word opposite in meaning to anotherविलोम
AphasiaLoss of speechआवाज बंद हो जाना, वाचाघात
ApostateOne who abandons his religious faith.धर्मत्यागी, विश्वासघाती
AppreciateTo rise in valueभाव बढ़ जाना, प्रशंसा करना
AquariumVessel in which fish and water plants are kept.मत्स्यालय, जलजीवशाला
AquaticAnimals live in water.जलचर, जलीय
ArbitratorA person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between themमध्यस्थ, पंच
ArchaeologyA study of ancient thingsपुरातत्व विज्ञान
AristocracyA Government by the Noblesअभिजात वर्ग
ArmisticeThe cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed.युध्दविराम, संधि
ArsenalA place where weapons and ammunitions are storedशस्त्रागार
AsceticOne who tortures himself for the good of soul.संन्यासी
AtheistOne who does not believe in the existence of Godनास्तिक
AudibleSound which can be heardसुनाई देने योग्य ध्वनि
AudienceAn assembly of hearers at a lecture or concertश्रोता
AudiologyThe study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment.श्रवण विज्ञान
AuditorOne who makes an official examination of accountsलेखा परिक्षक
AuristA specialist with regard to earकर्ण विशेषज्ञ
AutobiographyA life history written by oneselfआत्मकथा
AutocracyA Government by oneतानाशाही
AutographGetting signature of some important person in his handwritingहस्ताक्षर
AvariciousOf a person extremely desirous of moneyलालची
BachelorhoodState of being unmarriedकुँवारापन
BankruptOne who can’t pay the debts.दिवालिया
BeheadCut off the headसिर काटना
BellicoseOne who is fond of fightingलडाकू
BelligerentsNations engaged in war.युध्दकारी, युध्दरथ
BibliophileA great lover of booksपुस्तक प्रेमी
BiennialHappening every second yearद्विवार्षिक, हर दो साल में होने वाला
BigamyPractice of having two wives or husbandsद्विपत्नीत्व, द्विविवाह
BigotOne who has narrow and prejudiced religious viewsकट्टर, धर्मांध
BilingualA person who speaks two languagesद्विभाषी
BiographyA life history written by somebody elseजीवनी
BiologyThe science which treats with lifeजीव-विज्ञान
BipedAnimal having two feet.दो पैर वाला जानवर
BlasphemySpeaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious things.ईश्वर निंदा
BookwormOne who devotes full time in studying course booksकिताबी कीड़ा
BotanyThe branch of biology dealing with plant lifeवनस्पति विज्ञान
BrigandA bandit or robber, [esp.] One of a band living by pillage and ransom.डाकू, डकैत
BrittleHard but liable to be easily brokenखस्ता, भंगुर
BullionGold or Silver before using for manufacturing ornamentsचांदी सोने की ईंट
BureaucracyA Government by the officialsनौकरशाही, अधिकारी-वर्ग
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Best One Word Substitution

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