Best One Word Substitution


CaducityThe infirmity of old age.नश्वरता
CalligraphyThe art of beautiful hand writing. Elegant penmanship.हस्तलिपि, लिखावट, सुलेख
CallousA man devoid of kind feeling and sympathyकठोर, निष्ठुर
CannibalOf a man or animal that feeds on its own speciesस्वजातिभक्षक पशु, नरभक्षी
CarnivorousA flesh eating animalमांसाहारी
CatalogueA list of booksतालिका, नामावली, नामसूची
CelibacyAbstinence from sexब्रह्मचर्य
CelibateOne who is unmarriedब्रह्मचारी
CemeteryA place for burial of dead bodies.कब्रिस्तान
CentenarianA person who is above hundred yearsशतायु
CentenaryCelebration of a hundredth year, once –a-centuryशताब्दी, शतवर्षिया उत्सव
CentripetalAnything tending to move away from centre.अभिकेंद्र, केन्द्राभिमुखी
CenturyOne hundred years.सौ वर्ष, शताब्दी
ColleagueA co-worker or a fellow-worker in the same institutionसहकर्मी
CompatriotBelong to same country.एक देशवासी, हम वतन
CongenitalBelonging or pertaining to an individual from birthजन्मजात
CongregationAn assembly of worshippers.सभा, भक्त मंडली, धर्मसंघ
ConscriptionCompulsory enlistment for military or i\other serviceसेना में जबरदस्ती भर्ती करना
ContemporariesPeople living at the same timeसमकालीन व्यक्ति
ContemporaryBelonging to the same period of timeसमकालीन
ConvalescentOne who is recovering from illnessस्वास्थ्य लाभकारी, स्वास्थ्य लाभ से सम्बंधित
CosmologyScience of origin of universeब्रह्माण्ड विज्ञान
CosmopolitanOne who can make himself at home in all countriesसमस्त संसार का, सर्वव्यापी
CosmopoliteA citizen of the worldऐसा व्यक्ति जिसने बहुत देशों की यात्रा की हो
CoupletA stanza having two lines in verse.दोहा
CredulousA person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her.सहज विश्वासी, भोला
CryptographyStudy of secret writing and coded wordsगूढ़ लेखन, बीज लेखन
CurableWhich can be cured.साध्य, ठीक होने योग्य
CynicOne who questions everythingदोषदर्शी, निंदक
CytologyStudy of cellकोशिका विज्ञान
Dead letterAn unclaimed letterअंधपत्र, अप्रचलित कानून
DeafOne who cannot hearबहरा
DebarPrevent a person from admission or a right.वर्जित करना, रोक देना
DeclamationAct or art of rhetorical exercise.भाषण, घोषणा, व्याख्यान
DelegateTo give oneसौपना, प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिये भेजना
DemocracyGovernment of the people, for the people, by the peopleप्रजातंत्र, लोकतंत्र
DemonstrationShow of force to intimidate.प्रदर्शन
DepreciateTo go down in valueमूल्य घटना, कीमत घटना
DermatologyStudy of skin.त्वचा विज्ञान
DesertWhere neither water nor vegetation is found.रेगिस्तान, मरुस्थल, बंजर
DeteriorateTo go from bad to worseबिगड़ना, क्षय होना
DictatorshipGovernment carried on by an absolute ruler.निरंकुशता, तानाशाही, दबंग
DictionaryA book dealing with words in alphabetical orderशब्दकोश, शब्द सागर
DietingA small allowance of food to become slim.कम भोजन करना
DigestibleThat which can be digestedपाचन योग्य, सुपाच्य
DipsomaniaA strong desire to take liquor.मदिरा की लत्त, शराब की तीव्र इच्छा
DisenfranchisementTo take away some oneविशेष विक्रय अधिकार को वापस लेना
DivisibleThat Which can be divided.विभाज्य
DotageExtreme old age when one behaves like a childसठियापा, वृद्धावस्था की मतिक्षीणता
DrawA game in which neither party winsलॉटरी नंबर निकालना, खींचना, खेल में ना जीत ना हार, बराबरी
Drawn/ TieA game or batter in which neither party winsखेल मैं बराबरी - ना जीत ना हार
DroughtContinuous dry weather and lack of rain and water.सूखा, अनावृष्टि
DumbOne who cannot speakगूंगा
EccentricOne who has strange habitsसनकी, विचित्र
EcologyStudy of environmentपर्यावरण, परिस्थिति विज्ञान
EdibleA thing that is fit to be eatenखाने योग्य, आहार
EffeminateOf a man showing feminine attributesनारी जैसा पुरुष, स्त्रैण
EfficaciousSure to produce desired resultsअचूक, प्रभावी
EgotistA person who always thinks of himself ; somebody who is selfish or self-centeredअहंकारी, अहंवादी
EligibleOne who is qualifies for electionयोग्य
ElucidateTo explain something mysterious or difficultसमझना, स्पष्ट करना
EmbezzlementMisappropriation of moneyगबन
EmigrantOne who goes to live in a foreign countryउप्रवासी, परदेश में रहने वाला व्यक्ति
EmissaryQ person sent on a mission.[usually official]दूत, गुप्तचर, जासूस
EmphasizeTo lay special stress onमहत्व देना
EmployerOne who employs.नियोजक, मालिक
EndemicA disease prevailing in a localityस्थानिक बीमारी
EntomologyStudy of insectsकीट विद्या
EpicA long narrative poemमहाकाव्य
EpicureSomebody who has refined taste for food; somebody who loves sensual pleasure and luxuryस्वादलोलुप व्यक्ति
EpidemicA contagious disease which spreads over a huge areaमहामारी
EpilogueA speech given after conclusion of drama.उपसंहार
EpistleVerse in form of a letter.काव्य पत्र, धर्म पत्र
EpitaphInscription on a tombstoneस्मारक, समाधी-लेख
EquestrianA person who rides on horse-backअश्वारोही, घुड़सवार
EquilibriumA state of perfect balanceसंतुलन
EradicateDestroy or get rid of something completely; root out an evil or bad practiceमिटा देना, उन्मूलन करना
EssentialThing without which we cannot doअनिवार्य, प्रधान, आवश्यक
EthnologyA study of racesमानव जाति अध्ययन
EtiquetteEstablished rules of conduct; rules of acceptable behaviorशिष्टाचार
EtymologyA study of word, science deals which formation of wordsशब्दों का इतिहास/मतलब, शब्दों के उद्गम का शास्त्र
ExamineeOne who is takingर्थी
ExaminerOne who examine the copies of examinees.परीक्षक, प्रश्नकर्ता
ExileMade to be absent for a long time from one's own country.देश निकाला, निर्वासन, वनवास
ExonerateFree somebody from blame or guiltदोष मुक्त करना
ExpatriateTo send out of native country.प्रवासी
ExpurgateTo remove all objectionable matter.आपत्तिजनक विषय की कांट-छांट करना
ExtemporeA speech delivered without any previous preparationबिना तैयारी के
ExtraditeTo send back the criminal to the country.भागे हुए विदेशी अपराधी को सौंपना, प्रत्‍यार्पण करना
FacsimileAn exact copyप्रतिकृति
FanaticA man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religionकट्टरपंथी, उन्मादी
FastidiousA person difficult to pleaseअकडू, नकचड़ा
FatalAnything that leads to deathप्राण-घातक, जानलेवा
FatalistA person who believes in fateभाग्यवादी
FeministOne who thinks only of welfare of womenनारी अधिकारवादी
ForegoneSomething that has been determined beforehandपूर्व निश्चित
ForgeryFalsification of documents etc.जालसाजी, नकली
Foster childChild brought by persons, Who are not his parents.किसी और के द्वारा पोषित बच्चा
FranchiseConstitutional right to cast vote.मतदान का अधिकार, विशेष विक्रय अधिकार
FratricideThe murder or murderer of brother or sisterभ्रात्र-हत्या, स्वजनो की हत्या/हत्यारा

OWS STARTS WITH A-B                     OWS STARTS WITH C-F                   OWS STARTS WITH G-I                     
OWS STARTS WITH J-O                           OWS STARTS WITH P-Z 

Best One Word Substitution

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