Best One Word Substitution

                                                                                      OWS STARTS WITH G-I

GalaxyIrregular luminous band of stars.आकाश-गंगा, तारा समूह, विशिष्ट मंडली
GarageA shed for motor car.मोटर घर, गैराज
GazetteA government publication relating to order, notification etc.राज पत्र, सरकारी गज़ेट
GeologyStudy of Earthभूविज्ञान
GermicideA medicine that kills germsरोगाणु नाशी, जीवाणु नाशी
GlossaryA long list of words with their meaning.शब्दावली, शब्द संग्रह
GluttonOne who eats too muchपेटू, खाऊ
GrammarArt and science dealing with a language.व्याकरण
GranaryA store house for a threshed grain.अन्न-भंड़ार, अन्नागार
GratisWithout paymentनिशुल्क
GregariousOf animals living in flocksझुण्ड़ में रहनेवाला, मिलनसार
GullibleOne who is easily deceivedभोला भाला
HarangueA noisy and loud speech before a long gathering.उग्र, प्रभावशाली भाषण
HearseVehicle to carry dead bodies.शव वाहन
HerbivorousA grass eating animalशाक-भक्षी जानवर
Heritagewhat is got from ancestorsपरंपरा, धरोहर, विरासत, उत्तराधिकार
HeterogeneousThings of different natureविजातिय, विविध प्रकार
HistologyStudy of Tissueतंतु विज्ञान
HomicideMurder of a human beingमानव वध, नर हत्या
HomogeneousThing of same nature.सजातिय, समरूप
Honey moonThe first night of newly married couple.विवाह के बाद दाम्पत्य जीवन की प्रथम रात्रि
HonoraryA position for which no salary is paidसम्माननीय, अवैतनिक, बिना वेतन का पद
HorizonThe point where the earth and sky seem to meet.क्षितिज, सीमा
HospitableFond of entertaining guests.मेहमान नवाज, मेजबान
HostilityIntense aggression or anger state of antagonismदुश्मनी, दुर्भावना
HumanitarianOne who feels sympathetic towards human beingsमानवतावादी, परोपकारी
HungAssembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majorityत्रिशंकु
HydraA serpent with many headsबहुत सिरों वाला साँप
HydrophobiaA fear from waterजलांतक, जल से भय
Hygienista specialist in the promotion of clean conditions for the preservation of healthस्वास्थ्य विज्ञान विशेषज्ञ
HypocriteOne who pretends to be what he is notपाखंडी, कपटी
HypothesisA tentative assumption, Made to drive a logical conclusion.अनुमान लगाना, कल्पना
IconoclastBreaker of art and literature.मूर्ति पूजा विरोधी, रूढ़िगत विचारो का विरोधी
IdiosyncrasyA person's peculiar habitसनक, अवांछनीय आदत
IdolatryWorship of idolsमूर्ति पूजा
IgnorantPerson having no knowledge of any happening.अनजान, अज्ञानी, अपरिचित
IllegalThat which is against lawअवैध, गैर कानूनी
IllegibleA handwriting that cannot be readपठनीय, अस्पष्ट
IllicitThat is prohibited by lawनियम या व्यवहार विरुध, गैर कानूनी, अवैध
IlliterateA person who cannot read or writeअशिक्षित, अनभिज्ञ
IllusionFalse sensual proposition.मतिभ्रम, मरीचिका, गलत फहमी
ImitableWhich can be imitated.नकल होने योग्य
ImmigrantOne who lives in a foreign countryअप्रवासी, विदेश में बसनेवाला
ImmovableWhich cannot be moved, fixed.अचल, अटल
ImpenetrableIncapable of being penetrated.अभेद्य, जिसको भेदा ना जा सके, अगम्य
ImperceptibleThat which cannot be noticedअतिसूक्ष्म, अलक्ष्य
ImperviousA person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, suggestionsअप्रभावित, अभेद्य
ImposterOne who assumes name or title or someone else for deceiving others.बहरूपिया, ढोंगी
ImpracticableThat which cannot be practicedअव्यवहारिक
ImpregnableIncapable of being seized by attackअजय, अभेद्य
ImprobableThat which is not likely to happenअसंभाव्य
InaccessibleIncapable of being reached.अगम्य, पहुंच से बाहर
InadmissibleIncapable of being admitted or allowed.अस्वीकार्य, अमान्य
InanimateWithout lifeनिर्जीव, अचेतन
InaudibleA sound that cannot be heardना सुनाई देने वाला, अश्रव्य
IncombustibleIncapable of being burnt.जिसे आग ना लग सके
IncomprehensibleA statement which cannot be understoodदुरूह, अबोध्य
IncorrigibleOne who cannot be correctedअसुधार्य, जिसे ठीक ना किया जा सके.
IncredibleThat which cannot be believedअविश्वसनीय
IncurableThat which cannot be curedअसाध्य, अचिकित्स्य
IndefatigableOne incapable of being tiredअथक, अश्रांत, ना थकने वाला
IndefensibleThat which cannot be defendedअसमर्थनीय, अरक्षणीय
IndescribableThat which cannot be describedअवर्णनीय
IndestructibleIncapable of being destroyed.अविनाशी, अटूट
IndispensableSomething that is essential and cannot be dispensed withअनिवार्य, जरूरी
IndivisibleIncapable of being divided.अविभाज्य, जिसका भाग ना हो सके
IndoorSomething carried on within door or under cover.भीतरी, आंतरिक, घर के अंदर
IneligibleNot being able to be elected or selected under the rules.अपात्र, अयोग्य, अनुचित
InevitableThat which cannot be avoidedनिश्चित, अनिवार्य, अपरिहार्य
InexcusableIncapable of being justified.अक्षम्य
InexhaustibleIncapable of being tired out.अनन्त
InexplicableThat which cannot be explainedदुरूह, जिसकी व्याख्या ना की जा सके
InexplicitNot definitely or clearly expressed.अस्पष्ट
InexpressibleIncapable of being expressed in words.अवर्णनीय, अकथनीय
InfallibleA remedy which never failsअचूक, रामबाण
InfanticideThe act of killing an infantशिशुहत्या
InfectionA disease spread by contactसंक्रमण, बुरा असर, संक्रामक रोग, छूत की बीमारी
InfiniteNot limited by person or number.अनन्त, असीम, विशाल, ईश्वर
InflammableSomething that is quickly and easily set on fire and burnedज्वलनशील, ज्वलंतशील
InimitableA method that cannot be imitatedअनोखा, जिसकी नकल ना की जा सके, अननुकरणीय
InsatiableThat which cannot be satisfiedअतृप्त, जो तृप्त ना हो सके
InsecticideThat which kill insects.कीट नाशक प्रदार्थ
InsolubleIncapable of being dissolved in a liquidना घुलनेवाला, अघुलनशील
InsolventOne who is unable to pay his debtsदिवालिया
InsomniaLoss of sleepअनिद्रा रोग, अल्पनिंद्रा
InsurmountableIncapable of being overcome.अजय, जो प्राप्त ना किया जा सके
InterpolateInserting new matter in a bookबीच में डालना
InterveneAnything pushed inside veinsबीच में आना, हस्तक्षेप करना
IntestateOne who dies without a Willबिना वसीयत, इच्छा पत्रहीन
IntrospectionThe action of looking back on past timeआत्मविश्लेषण
InvincibleThat which cannot be conqueredअजय, जिसे जीता ना जा सके
InvisibleA thing that cannot be seen with human eyesअदृश्य, ओझल
InvulnerableThat which cannot be hurtसुरक्षित, अभेद्य
IrreconcilableIncapable of being reconciled.कट्टर, मेल ना करने वाला
IrrecoverableIncapable of recovered, regained.वापस ना मिल सकने योग्य, सदा के लिये होने वाला
IrrelevantNot applicableअप्रासंगिक, बेमतलब
IrreparableA loss of damage that cannot be compensatedअपूर्ण, जिसे सुधारा ना जा सके
IrrevocableThat cannot be altered or withdrawnअटल, अपरिवर्तनीय
IrritableA man who is easily irritatedचिड़चिड़ा, क्रोधी
ItinerantOne who travels from place to placeभ्रमणशील
ItineraryA planned route or journey, details of travelयात्रा विवरण
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Best One Word Substitution

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