Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Galaxy | Irregular luminous band of stars. | आकाश-गंगा, तारा समूह, विशिष्ट मंडली |
Garage | A shed for motor car. | मोटर घर, गैराज |
Gazette | A government publication relating to order, notification etc. | राज पत्र, सरकारी गज़ेट |
Geology | Study of Earth | भूविज्ञान |
Germicide | A medicine that kills germs | रोगाणु नाशी, जीवाणु नाशी |
Glossary | A long list of words with their meaning. | शब्दावली, शब्द संग्रह |
Glutton | One who eats too much | पेटू, खाऊ |
Grammar | Art and science dealing with a language. | व्याकरण |
Granary | A store house for a threshed grain. | अन्न-भंड़ार, अन्नागार |
Gratis | Without payment | निशुल्क |
Gregarious | Of animals living in flocks | झुण्ड़ में रहनेवाला, मिलनसार |
Gullible | One who is easily deceived | भोला भाला |
Harangue | A noisy and loud speech before a long gathering. | उग्र, प्रभावशाली भाषण |
Hearse | Vehicle to carry dead bodies. | शव वाहन |
Herbivorous | A grass eating animal | शाक-भक्षी जानवर |
Heritage | what is got from ancestors | परंपरा, धरोहर, विरासत, उत्तराधिकार |
Heterogeneous | Things of different nature | विजातिय, विविध प्रकार |
Histology | Study of Tissue | तंतु विज्ञान |
Homicide | Murder of a human being | मानव वध, नर हत्या |
Homogeneous | Thing of same nature. | सजातिय, समरूप |
Honey moon | The first night of newly married couple. | विवाह के बाद दाम्पत्य जीवन की प्रथम रात्रि |
Honorary | A position for which no salary is paid | सम्माननीय, अवैतनिक, बिना वेतन का पद |
Horizon | The point where the earth and sky seem to meet. | क्षितिज, सीमा |
Hospitable | Fond of entertaining guests. | मेहमान नवाज, मेजबान |
Hostility | Intense aggression or anger state of antagonism | दुश्मनी, दुर्भावना |
Humanitarian | One who feels sympathetic towards human beings | मानवतावादी, परोपकारी |
Hung | Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority | त्रिशंकु |
Hydra | A serpent with many heads | बहुत सिरों वाला साँप |
Hydrophobia | A fear from water | जलांतक, जल से भय |
Hygienist | a specialist in the promotion of clean conditions for the preservation of health | स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान विशेषज्ञ |
Hypocrite | One who pretends to be what he is not | पाखंडी, कपटी |
Hypothesis | A tentative assumption, Made to drive a logical conclusion. | अनुमान लगाना, कल्पना |
Iconoclast | Breaker of art and literature. | मूर्ति पूजा विरोधी, रूढ़िगत विचारो का विरोधी |
Idiosyncrasy | A person's peculiar habit | सनक, अवांछनीय आदत |
Idolatry | Worship of idols | मूर्ति पूजा |
Ignorant | Person having no knowledge of any happening. | अनजान, अज्ञानी, अपरिचित |
Illegal | That which is against law | अवैध, गैर कानूनी |
Illegible | A handwriting that cannot be read | पठनीय, अस्पष्ट |
Illicit | That is prohibited by law | नियम या व्यवहार विरुध, गैर कानूनी, अवैध |
Illiterate | A person who cannot read or write | अशिक्षित, अनभिज्ञ |
Illusion | False sensual proposition. | मतिभ्रम, मरीचिका, गलत फहमी |
Imitable | Which can be imitated. | नकल होने योग्य |
Immigrant | One who lives in a foreign country | अप्रवासी, विदेश में बसनेवाला |
Immovable | Which cannot be moved, fixed. | अचल, अटल |
Impenetrable | Incapable of being penetrated. | अभेद्य, जिसको भेदा ना जा सके, अगम्य |
Imperceptible | That which cannot be noticed | अतिसूक्ष्म, अलक्ष्य |
Impervious | A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, suggestions | अप्रभावित, अभेद्य |
Imposter | One who assumes name or title or someone else for deceiving others. | बहरूपिया, ढोंगी |
Impracticable | That which cannot be practiced | अव्यवहारिक |
Impregnable | Incapable of being seized by attack | अजय, अभेद्य |
Improbable | That which is not likely to happen | असंभाव्य |
Inaccessible | Incapable of being reached. | अगम्य, पहुंच से बाहर |
Inadmissible | Incapable of being admitted or allowed. | अस्वीकार्य, अमान्य |
Inanimate | Without life | निर्जीव, अचेतन |
Inaudible | A sound that cannot be heard | ना सुनाई देने वाला, अश्रव्य |
Incombustible | Incapable of being burnt. | जिसे आग ना लग सके |
Incomprehensible | A statement which cannot be understood | दुरूह, अबोध्य |
Incorrigible | One who cannot be corrected | असुधार्य, जिसे ठीक ना किया जा सके. |
Incredible | That which cannot be believed | अविश्वसनीय |
Incurable | That which cannot be cured | असाध्य, अचिकित्स्य |
Indefatigable | One incapable of being tired | अथक, अश्रांत, ना थकने वाला |
Indefensible | That which cannot be defended | असमर्थनीय, अरक्षणीय |
Indescribable | That which cannot be described | अवर्णनीय |
Indestructible | Incapable of being destroyed. | अविनाशी, अटूट |
Indispensable | Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with | अनिवार्य, जरूरी |
Indivisible | Incapable of being divided. | अविभाज्य, जिसका भाग ना हो सके |
Indoor | Something carried on within door or under cover. | भीतरी, आंतरिक, घर के अंदर |
Ineligible | Not being able to be elected or selected under the rules. | अपात्र, अयोग्य, अनुचित |
Inevitable | That which cannot be avoided | निश्चित, अनिवार्य, अपरिहार्य |
Inexcusable | Incapable of being justified. | अक्षम्य |
Inexhaustible | Incapable of being tired out. | अनन्त |
Inexplicable | That which cannot be explained | दुरूह, जिसकी व्याख्या ना की जा सके |
Inexplicit | Not definitely or clearly expressed. | अस्पष्ट |
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Inexpressible | Incapable of being expressed in words. | अवर्णनीय, अकथनीय |
Infallible | A remedy which never fails | अचूक, रामबाण |
Infanticide | The act of killing an infant | शिशुहत्या |
Infection | A disease spread by contact | संक्रमण, बुरा असर, संक्रामक रोग, छूत की बीमारी |
Infinite | Not limited by person or number. | अनन्त, असीम, विशाल, ईश्वर |
Inflammable | Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned | ज्वलनशील, ज्वलंतशील |
Inimitable | A method that cannot be imitated | अनोखा, जिसकी नकल ना की जा सके, अननुकरणीय |
Insatiable | That which cannot be satisfied | अतृप्त, जो तृप्त ना हो सके |
Insecticide | That which kill insects. | कीट नाशक प्रदार्थ |
Insoluble | Incapable of being dissolved in a liquid | ना घुलनेवाला, अघुलनशील |
Insolvent | One who is unable to pay his debts | दिवालिया |
Insomnia | Loss of sleep | अनिद्रा रोग, अल्पनिंद्रा |
Insurmountable | Incapable of being overcome. | अजय, जो प्राप्त ना किया जा सके |
Interpolate | Inserting new matter in a book | बीच में डालना |
Intervene | Anything pushed inside veins | बीच में आना, हस्तक्षेप करना |
Intestate | One who dies without a Will | बिना वसीयत, इच्छा पत्रहीन |
Introspection | The action of looking back on past time | आत्मविश्लेषण |
Invincible | That which cannot be conquered | अजय, जिसे जीता ना जा सके |
Invisible | A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes | अदृश्य, ओझल |
Invulnerable | That which cannot be hurt | सुरक्षित, अभेद्य |
Irreconcilable | Incapable of being reconciled. | कट्टर, मेल ना करने वाला |
Irrecoverable | Incapable of recovered, regained. | वापस ना मिल सकने योग्य, सदा के लिये होने वाला |
Irrelevant | Not applicable | अप्रासंगिक, बेमतलब |
Irreparable | A loss of damage that cannot be compensated | अपूर्ण, जिसे सुधारा ना जा सके |
Irrevocable | That cannot be altered or withdrawn | अटल, अपरिवर्तनीय |
Irritable | A man who is easily irritated | चिड़चिड़ा, क्रोधी |
Itinerant | One who travels from place to place | भ्रमणशील |
Itinerary | A planned route or journey, details of travel | यात्रा विवरण |
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