Best One Word Substitution

JailA place where prisoners are kept.बंदीगृह, कारागार
JurisdictionThe area over which an official has controlअधिकारक्षेत्र
JuvenileAnything which relates to young and youth.किशोर, जवान
KangarooAn animal of Australia with great leaping power.कंगारू
KidnapTo carry away a person forcibly.अपहरण
KindergartenA school for small childrenबालवाड़ी, छोटे बच्चों का स्कूल
KleptomaniaAn abnormal desire to stealचोरी करने की बीमारी
LegalThat which is lawfulकानूनी, विधिक
LinguistOne who knows many languages.बहुभाषी, भाषा प्रवीण
LocustA kind of winged insect migrating in swarms and consuming vegetation.टिड्ड़ी
LogicThe science of reasoning.तर्क, तर्क शास्त्र, गणितीय तर्क
LoquaciousA continuous talker.बातूनी, वाचाल
LunarEclipse of Moonचन्‍द्र ग्रहण
MaidenThe first speech made by a personप्रथम, कुंवारी
MammalsAnimals which give milkस्तनपायी, जानवर जो दूध देते हैं
ManuscriptHandwritten bookहस्तलिखित, पाण्डुलिपि
MartyrA person who died for the sake of his country.शहीद, हुतात्मा
Masochismthe tendency to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliationस्वपीड़न कामुकता, पीड़ा सुख
MaterialisticOne for whom money is the most important thingभौतिकतावादी, विषयी, सांसारिक
MatineeA cinema show which is held in the afternoonदोपहर का खेल
MatinsMorning prayer in Churchप्रातः कालीन प्रार्थना (चर्च में)
MatricideKilling of one’s own mother; killer of one’s own motherमातृहत्या, मातृहत्यारा

MatrimonyState of being married.विवाह, शादी
MaximAn establish principleनीति वचन, वचन, सूक्ति
MeadowA low level tract of uncultivated grasslandघास का मैदान
MedievalBelonging to the Middle Agesमध्यकालीन
MeditationContinuous and profound contemplation on spiritual mattersध्यान, ईश्वर का स्मरण
MelodramaAn extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterizationसनसनीखेज नाटक, उत्तेजनायुक्त नाटक
MercenaryOne who can do anything for moneyलोभी, किराये का सैनिक
MesomorphA person whose build is powerful, Compact and muscular.गठीला, हट्टा कट्टा इंसान
MeticulousVery particular even about small detailsअतिसावधान, छोटी-छोटी चीजो का भी ध्यान रखने वाला
MigratoryThat move from one place to another.प्रवासी, देशांतर जाने वाला
MisanthropeOne who hates mankindमानव-द्वेषी, मनुष्य से नफरत करने वाला
MisanthropistHater of mankindमानव को पसंद ना करने वाला
MisogamistA person who does not believe in the institution of marriageशादी व्यवस्था में ना विश्वास करने वाला
MisogynistA person who hates womenऔरत जाति से नफरत करनेवाला, स्त्री-द्वेषी
MobocracyRule by the mobभीड़-तंत्र, भीड़ का राज
MonarchyA Government by a king or queenराज तंत्र
MonogamyPractice of having one wife or husbandएक विवाह प्रथा
MortalSubject to death.नश्वर, प्राणघातक
MuseGoddess of learning and arts.प्रेरक शक्ति, ध्यान, सरस्वती देवी
MythPurely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural being etc.पौराणिक कथा, झूठी बात
NamesakeSomebody or something with the same name as somebody or something elseहमनाम, नाम राशि
NarcoticMedicine which induces sleep.नशीली दवा, नींद लाने वाली दवा
NativeOne whose parents are domiciled.मूलवासी, पैदाइशी
NaughtyA badly behaved child.शरारती, खुराफाती
NeologismNew word coined by an author.नवशब्द, नवनिर्मित शब्द
NeophyteOne who is a newcomerनौसिखिया, नया चेला
NotaryPerson publically authorized to draw up or attest contracts etcलेख्य प्रमाणक, लेख-पटरा प्रमाणकारी
NotoriousA person with an evil reputationबदनाम, कुख्यात
NoviceOne who is new to a trade or professionनौसिखिया, पेशे धंधे में नया
NumismaticsScience of coins or medalsमुद्रा शास्त्र
NutritiveArticle of food rich in nutrition.पोषण संबंधी
OasisFertile spot in desert.मरुस्थल के बीच हरित भूमि, सुख-दायक जगह
ObesityHaving lot of fat in one's body.मोटापा
ObituaryA notice of death in a newspaper.निधन सूचना, मृतविवरण
ObsoleteA thing no longer in useअप्रचलित
OceanographyStudy of oceanसमुंद्र विज्ञान
OdontologyStudy of Teethदांत विज्ञान
OligarchyA Government by the fewअल्पतंत्र, कुल-तंत्र
OmnipotentAll-powerful; possessing complete power and authorityसर्व शक्तिमान
OmnipresentOne who is present everywhereसर्वव्यापी, सर्वव्यापक
OmniscientA person who knows everythingअंतरयामी, सर्वज्ञ
OmnivorousAn animal or a human being that eats any kind of foodसर्वभक्षी, सर्वग्राही
OpaqueThat through which light cannot passअपारदर्शी
OphthalmologyStudy of Eyeनेत्र विज्ञान
OpticScience of sight and light.प्रकाश सम्बंधी विज्ञान
OpticsStudy of lightप्रकाश विज्ञान
OptimistOne who looks at the bright side of things; somebody positiveआशावादी
OratorOne who makes an eloquent public speech.सुवक्ता
OrdnanceA factory where military materials are produced.गोलाबारूद , युद्ध सामग्री
OrientalA person of Asian, especially East Asian, descent.पूर्वी , पूर्व-वासी
OrnithologyA study of birdsपक्षी विज्ञान
OrographyStudy of mountainपर्वत विज्ञान, पार्वतिकी
OrphanA person without father and mother.अनाथ, यतीम
OrphanageA place where orphans liveअनाथालय, अनाथाश्रम
OrthodoxOne who believes in traditional valuesपरंपरागत, कट्टरपंथी
OrthographyStudy of correct spelling of wordsवर्तनी
OstracizeTo expel from societyनिष्कासित करना, बहिष्कृत करना
OstrichA large bird reputed to bury its head in sand when pursued.शतुरमुर्ग
OutcastCast out as useless.निर्वासित, परित्यक्त, बहिष्कृत

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Best One Word Substitution

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