Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Jail | A place where prisoners are kept. | बंदीगृह, कारागार |
Jurisdiction | The area over which an official has control | अधिकारक्षेत्र |
Juvenile | Anything which relates to young and youth. | किशोर, जवान |
Kangaroo | An animal of Australia with great leaping power. | कंगारू |
Kidnap | To carry away a person forcibly. | अपहरण |
Kindergarten | A school for small children | बालवाड़ी, छोटे बच्चों का स्कूल |
Kleptomania | An abnormal desire to steal | चोरी करने की बीमारी |
Legal | That which is lawful | कानूनी, विधिक |
Linguist | One who knows many languages. | बहुभाषी, भाषा प्रवीण |
Locust | A kind of winged insect migrating in swarms and consuming vegetation. | टिड्ड़ी |
Logic | The science of reasoning. | तर्क, तर्क शास्त्र, गणितीय तर्क |
Loquacious | A continuous talker. | बातूनी, वाचाल |
Lunar | Eclipse of Moon | चन्द्र ग्रहण |
Maiden | The first speech made by a person | प्रथम, कुंवारी |
Mammals | Animals which give milk | स्तनपायी, जानवर जो दूध देते हैं |
Manuscript | Handwritten book | हस्तलिखित, पाण्डुलिपि |
Martyr | A person who died for the sake of his country. | शहीद, हुतात्मा |
Masochism | the tendency to derive sexual gratification from one’s own pain or humiliation | स्वपीड़न कामुकता, पीड़ा सुख |
Materialistic | One for whom money is the most important thing | भौतिकतावादी, विषयी, सांसारिक |
Matinee | A cinema show which is held in the afternoon | दोपहर का खेल |
Matins | Morning prayer in Church | प्रातः कालीन प्रार्थना (चर्च में) |
Matricide | Killing of one’s own mother; killer of one’s own mother | मातृहत्या, मातृहत्यारा |
Matrimony | State of being married. | विवाह, शादी |
Maxim | An establish principle | नीति वचन, वचन, सूक्ति |
Meadow | A low level tract of uncultivated grassland | घास का मैदान |
Medieval | Belonging to the Middle Ages | मध्यकालीन |
Meditation | Continuous and profound contemplation on spiritual matters | ध्यान, ईश्वर का स्मरण |
Melodrama | An extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterization | सनसनीखेज नाटक, उत्तेजनायुक्त नाटक |
Mercenary | One who can do anything for money | लोभी, किराये का सैनिक |
Mesomorph | A person whose build is powerful, Compact and muscular. | गठीला, हट्टा कट्टा इंसान |
Meticulous | Very particular even about small details | अतिसावधान, छोटी-छोटी चीजो का भी ध्यान रखने वाला |
Migratory | That move from one place to another. | प्रवासी, देशांतर जाने वाला |
Misanthrope | One who hates mankind | मानव-द्वेषी, मनुष्य से नफरत करने वाला |
Misanthropist | Hater of mankind | मानव को पसंद ना करने वाला |
Misogamist | A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage | शादी व्यवस्था में ना विश्वास करने वाला |
Misogynist | A person who hates women | औरत जाति से नफरत करनेवाला, स्त्री-द्वेषी |
Mobocracy | Rule by the mob | भीड़-तंत्र, भीड़ का राज |
Monarchy | A Government by a king or queen | राज तंत्र |
Monogamy | Practice of having one wife or husband | एक विवाह प्रथा |
Mortal | Subject to death. | नश्वर, प्राणघातक |
Muse | Goddess of learning and arts. | प्रेरक शक्ति, ध्यान, सरस्वती देवी |
Myth | Purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural being etc. | पौराणिक कथा, झूठी बात |
Namesake | Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else | हमनाम, नाम राशि |
Narcotic | Medicine which induces sleep. | नशीली दवा, नींद लाने वाली दवा |
Native | One whose parents are domiciled. | मूलवासी, पैदाइशी |
Naughty | A badly behaved child. | शरारती, खुराफाती |
Neologism | New word coined by an author. | नवशब्द, नवनिर्मित शब्द |
Neophyte | One who is a newcomer | नौसिखिया, नया चेला |
Notary | Person publically authorized to draw up or attest contracts etc | लेख्य प्रमाणक, लेख-पटरा प्रमाणकारी |
Notorious | A person with an evil reputation | बदनाम, कुख्यात |
Novice | One who is new to a trade or profession | नौसिखिया, पेशे धंधे में नया |
Numismatics | Science of coins or medals | मुद्रा शास्त्र |
Nutritive | Article of food rich in nutrition. | पोषण संबंधी |
Oasis | Fertile spot in desert. | मरुस्थल के बीच हरित भूमि, सुख-दायक जगह |
Obesity | Having lot of fat in one's body. | मोटापा |
Obituary | A notice of death in a newspaper. | निधन सूचना, मृतविवरण |
Obsolete | A thing no longer in use | अप्रचलित |
Oceanography | Study of ocean | समुंद्र विज्ञान |
Odontology | Study of Teeth | दांत विज्ञान |
Oligarchy | A Government by the few | अल्पतंत्र, कुल-तंत्र |
Omnipotent | All-powerful; possessing complete power and authority | सर्व शक्तिमान |
Omnipresent | One who is present everywhere | सर्वव्यापी, सर्वव्यापक |
Omniscient | A person who knows everything | अंतरयामी, सर्वज्ञ |
Omnivorous | An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food | सर्वभक्षी, सर्वग्राही |
Opaque | That through which light cannot pass | अपारदर्शी |
Ophthalmology | Study of Eye | नेत्र विज्ञान |
Optic | Science of sight and light. | प्रकाश सम्बंधी विज्ञान |
Optics | Study of light | प्रकाश विज्ञान |
Optimist | One who looks at the bright side of things; somebody positive | आशावादी |
Orator | One who makes an eloquent public speech. | सुवक्ता |
Ordnance | A factory where military materials are produced. | गोलाबारूद , युद्ध सामग्री |
Oriental | A person of Asian, especially East Asian, descent. | पूर्वी , पूर्व-वासी |
Ornithology | A study of birds | पक्षी विज्ञान |
Orography | Study of mountain | पर्वत विज्ञान, पार्वतिकी |
Orphan | A person without father and mother. | अनाथ, यतीम |
Orphanage | A place where orphans live | अनाथालय, अनाथाश्रम |
Orthodox | One who believes in traditional values | परंपरागत, कट्टरपंथी |
Orthography | Study of correct spelling of words | वर्तनी |
Ostracize | To expel from society | निष्कासित करना, बहिष्कृत करना |
Ostrich | A large bird reputed to bury its head in sand when pursued. | शतुरमुर्ग |
Outcast | Cast out as useless. | निर्वासित, परित्यक्त, बहिष्कृत |
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