Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Pacifist | One who believes in total abolition of war | शांतिवादी |
Paleontology | Study of fossils | जीवाश्मिकी |
Panacea | A supposed cure for all diseases or problems | रामबाण, संजीवनी |
Pantisocracy | Government by all | सरकार जहाँ सबको समान अधिकार और सबकी समान जिम्मेदारी हो |
Pantomime | A dumb show. | मूक-अभिनय, बिना बोलें केवल संकेतो द्वारा अभिनय |
Parasite | A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return | परजीवी, मुफ्तखोर, जुगाड़ों पर पलने वाला |
Parasol | A lady' s umbrella | लेडी छतरी |
Pathology | Study of disease | रोग विज्ञान |
Patricide | Killing of one’s own father; killer of one’s own father | पितृहत्या, पितृहत्यारा |
Patrimony | Properties inherited from one's father | पैतृक संपत्ति, विरासत |
Patriot | One who loves own country. | देशभक्त |
Pauper | One who has no money | कंगाल, दरिद्र |
Pedagogy | Study of Art of teaching | शिक्षा शास्त्र |
Pedantic | A style in which author displays his knowledge | पाण्डित्य प्रदर्शक, पंडिताउ |
Pedestrian | One who goes on foot | पैदल चलने वाला, पदयात्री |
Pension | Payment made in consideration of past service. | निवृति वेतन |
Pessimist | One who looks on the dark side of things | निराशावादी |
Philanderer | One who enjoys by love making | व्याभिचारी |
Philanthropist | Lover of mankind | मानव प्रेमी |
Philately | Study of stamp collection | टिकट संग्रहण |
Philistine | One who does not care for art, literature etc | संस्कृति विमुख, अबौद्धिक व्यक्ति |
Philology | Study of words and their roots. | भाषा शास्त्र |
Phobia | An extreme or irrational fear of something | भय, दर |
Phonetics, Acoustics | Study of sound. | ध्वनि का अध्ययन |
Phrenology | Study of skull with regard to human character. | कपालविध्या |
Physiology | A study of the body | शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान |
Pioneer | One who leads others | अग्रगामी, पथप्रदर्शक |
Plagiarist | One who copies from other writers | चोर लेखक |
Platitudes | Common place remarks | तुच्छ बात, सामान्य युक्ति |
Plutocracy | A Government by the rich | धनिक तंत्र |
Polyandry | Practice of having several husbands | बहुपतित्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पति |
Polygamy | Practice of having several wives | बहुपत्नीत्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पत्निया. |
Polyglot | One who knows many languages | बहुभाषी |
Polygon | A figure with many angles or sides. | बहुभुज |
Port | A place where ships seek shelter. | बंदरगाह, रंग ढंग |
Posthumous | A book published after the death of its author | मरणोपरांत, मरणोपरांत प्रकाशित पुस्तक |
Postmortem | Medical examination of a dead body | शव परीक्षा |
Postscript | A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature | अनुलेख, संयोजित अंश |
Potable | Water fit for drinking | पीने योग्य, पेय |
Predator | An animal who preys on other animals | शिकारी पशु, लूट मार करने वाला |
Prejudice | To form an opinion against anybody baselessly. | पूर्वाग्रह, पक्षपातपूर्ण |
Prostitute | Woman who offers her body on hire. | वैश्य, नीच काम में लगना |
Psephology | Systematic study of election trends | चुनाव विश्लेषण |
Pseudonym | To write under a different name | छद्मनाम, दूसरे नाम से लिखना |
Pugnacity | Tendency to quarrel | झगडालुपन, कलह की इच्छा |
Purist | One who is particular about the purity of one's language. | शुद्धिवादी, शुद्दता का ज्ञान रखने वाला |
Quack | One who pretends skill in medicine and surgery. | नीम हकीम, बत्तख की बोली |
Quadruped | Animal having four foot. | चौपाया, चार पैर का जानवर |
Quarantine | Isolation imposed on infected people. | किनारे तक आने जाने की रोक, 40 दिन का समय |
Quatrain | Stanza of four lines. | चौपाई, |
Questionnaire | Formulated series of Questions. | प्रश्नावली |
Quill | A feather used as a pen. | पंख की कलम, पक्षी का पंख |
Quorum | Fixed number of person that must be present to make proceedings valid. | निर्दिष्ट संख्या, कार्यवाह संख्या |
Radiation | Emission of light or heat from central point. | विकिरण चिकित्सा, रेडियो धर्मी पदार्थ की सहायता से इलाज करना |
Rape | To use a woman by force. | बलात्कार |
Rebel | One who takes up arms against government | बगावत करना, राज विरोधी, बागी |
Redtapism | Too much official formalities | लालफ़ीताशाही |
Referendum | Direct decision by a general vote on the single question. | जनमत संग्रह |
Regicide | Murder of the king | राज हत्या, राज हत्यारा |
Republic | A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. | गणराज्य |
Retaliate | Give tit for tat | बदला लेना, पलट कर हमला करना |
Reticent | One who speaks less | कम बोलने वाला, मित-भाषी |
Reticule | A lady's purse. | बटुवा |
Retrospective | Which takes effect from some earlier date | भूतलक्षी, पूर्वाव्यापी, बीते हुए समय से लागू |
Robot | An intelligent and obedient machine like a man. | यंत्र मानव, यंत्रवत काम करने वाला |
Sacrilege | Violating the sanctity of a church | अपवित्रीकरण |
Samaritan | One who helps others | नेक आदमी, मुसीबत में मदद करने वाला |
Sanatorium | Place of good climate where invalids are kept. | आरोग्य निवास, स्वास्थ्यालय |
Sanctuary | A place of refuge recognized as secure. | शरण स्थल, गर्भ ग्रह |
Sceptic | One who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences. | अविश्वासी, शक्की |
Scribble | Write hurriedly or carelessly in regard to hand writing. | घसीटना, घसीट कर लिखने वाला, अस्पष्ट लेख |
Sculpture | The art of making dolls. | मूर्तिकला, प्रतिमा |
Secular | Which does not favour anyone religion. | धर्मनिरपेक्ष, सांसारिक |
Sericulture | Breeding of silkworm for silk production. | रेशम के कीड़ो का पालन, रेशम उत्पादन |
Sestet | A stanza of six lines. | 6 पंक्तियों की कविता, छन्द |
Shrew | A woman with peevish nature | झगडालू नारी, कलहकारिणी |
Simultaneous | Happening at the same time | एक साथ हुआ |
Sinecure | An office with high salary but no work | आराम की नौकरी, दायित्वहीन पद |
Smuggler | A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal or in order to avoid paying duty on them | तस्कर |
Solar | Eclipse of Sun | सूर्य ग्रहण |
Soliloquy | Speaking himself when alone | बातचीत जो अपने आप से कि जाये |
Solo | A piece of music by one person. | एकल प्रदर्शन, एकल गायन या वादन |
Somnambulism | Walking in sleep | नींद में चलना |
Somniloquism | Talking in sleep | नींद में बातें करना/बोलना |
Soporific | A drug or other substance that induces sleep | निंद्राजनक, आलस्यजनक |
Sororicide | Killing of one's own sister. | बहन की हत्या |
Spectrum | Image formed by rays of light | वर्णक्रम, तरंग, विस्तृत श्रेणी |
Spendthrift, Prodigal | A person who spends his money recklessly. | फिजूल खर्ची, खर्चीला |
Spokesman | One who speaks on behalf of others | प्रवक्ता |
Stable | A place where horses are kept. | अस्तबल, घुड़साल |
Sterilize | To make free from living germs or bacteria. | वन्ध्यीकरण करना, रोगाणुरहित करना, जीवाणु रहित बनाना |
Stoic | One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain | निर्लिप्त, भावहीन, बैरागी |
Suicide | Murder of self | खुदकुशी |
Synonyms | Words which have the same meaning | पर्यायवाची |
Teetotaler | One who does not take alcoholic drinks | पूर्णतया मद्यत्यागी, शराब ना पीने वाला |
Teetotalers | One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks. | पूर्णतया मध्यात्यागी, जो कोई नशा ना करे |
Telltale | One who enjoy talking about others private affairs | चुगलखोर, भेद खोलने वाला |
Terminus | Station at the of a route. | आखिरी स्थान, अंतिम स्टेशन |
Theist | One who believes in God | आस्तिक, ईश्वरवादी |
Thermometer | An instrument for measuring temperature. | गर्मी-सर्दी नापने का यंत्र |
Tragedy | A writing which end in death or sorrow. | त्रासदी, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना |
Translucent | That through which light can partly pass | परभासी, जिसके बीच से लाइट पार ना जा सके |
Transmigration | Passing of soul from one body to another after death | देहांतरण, जन्मान्तर |
Transparent | That through which light can pass | पारदर्शी, स्पष्ट |
Tripod | Having three legs. | तिपाई, तीन पैर वाला |
Truant | A student left school or class without permission | बिना अनुमति लिये अनुपस्थित |
Truism | An often repeated truth | स्वयं सिद्ध |
Trust | Confidence reposed in person by making them nominal owner. | भरोसा करना, आशा करना |
Turncoat | One who changes sides | गिरगिट, विश्वासघाती |
Twins | Two children born together. | जुड़वाँ |
Ubiquitous | Found or present everywhere. | सर्वव्यापी, देशव्यापी |
Unanimous | All of one mind. | एकमत, सर्वसम्मत, एकचित |
Unavoidable | Incapable of being avoided. | जिसे टाला ना जा सके, अपरिहार्य, अनिवार्य |
Unilateral | Decision taken by one's side only. | एकतरफा, एकपक्षिक |
Universal | Belonging to all parts of the world. | असीम, सम्पूर्ण, व्यापक |
Up-to-date | Having information till today. | आधुनिकतम, नवीनतम |
Usurer | One who lends money at higher rate of interest | सूदखोर |
Utopia | A state of highest perfection | आदर्श लोक, राम राज्य |
Uxoricide | Murder of wife | पत्नी की हत्या, पत्नी का हत्यारा |
Valetudinarian | One who always thinks himself to be ill | बीमार, जो अपने आपको हमेशा बीमार समझता हो. |
Vandal | One who damages public property | तोड़ फोड़ करने वाला, सत्यानाशी, बर्बर |
Vegetarian | Somebody who doesn’t eat meat or fish | शाकाहारी |
Venial | A pardonable offense | क्षम्य, क्षमा योग्य अपराध |
Ventriloquist | One who can throw his voice | तरह तरह की आवाज निकाल सकने वाला, पेट बोला |
Verbatim | Repetition of word by word | लफज-ब-लफज, शब्दशः |
verbose | Style full of words | शब्द-आडंबरपूर्ण, |
Vertebrate | Animals having spinal column. | रीढ़धारी |
Vesper | Evening prayer in a church | गिरजाघर में सांयकाल की प्रार्थना |
Veteran | Somebody who is considerably experienced in something | अनुभवी |
Volunteer | One who works for free | स्वयं सेवक |
Wardrobe | An almirah where clothes are kept | अलमारी, वस्त्रागार |
Weather-cock | A cock-shaped indicator on the building top to show the direction of air. | मौसम बताने वाला यंत्र |
Widow | A woman whose husband is dead. | विधवा, बेवा |
Widower | A man whose wife has died | विधुर |
Wireless or Radio | Method of sending messages without the help of wires. | बिना तार का संदेश संप्रेषण |
Zodiac | A belt of the heavenly bodies divided into equal signs. | राशि चक्र, ज्योतिष चक्र |
Zoo | A place where birds and animals are kept. | चिड़ियाघर, जन्तुशाला |
Zoology | A study of animals | जन्तु विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान |
Best One Word Substitution