Best One Word Substitution

PacifistOne who believes in total abolition of warशांतिवादी
PaleontologyStudy of fossilsजीवाश्मिकी
PanaceaA supposed cure for all diseases or problemsरामबाण, संजीवनी
PantisocracyGovernment by allसरकार जहाँ सबको समान अधिकार और सबकी समान जिम्मेदारी हो
PantomimeA dumb show.मूक-अभिनय, बिना बोलें केवल संकेतो द्वारा अभिनय
ParasiteA person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in returnपरजीवी, मुफ्तखोर, जुगाड़ों पर पलने वाला
ParasolA lady' s umbrellaलेडी छतरी
PathologyStudy of diseaseरोग विज्ञान
PatricideKilling of one’s own father; killer of one’s own fatherपितृहत्या, पितृहत्यारा
PatrimonyProperties inherited from one's fatherपैतृक संपत्ति, विरासत
PatriotOne who loves own country.देशभक्त
PauperOne who has no moneyकंगाल, दरिद्र
PedagogyStudy of Art of teachingशिक्षा शास्त्र
PedanticA style in which author displays his knowledgeपाण्डित्य प्रदर्शक, पंडिताउ
PedestrianOne who goes on footपैदल चलने वाला, पदयात्री
PensionPayment made in consideration of past service.निवृति वेतन
PessimistOne who looks on the dark side of thingsनिराशावादी
PhilandererOne who enjoys by love makingव्याभिचारी
PhilanthropistLover of mankindमानव प्रेमी
PhilatelyStudy of stamp collectionटिकट संग्रहण
PhilistineOne who does not care for art, literature etcसंस्कृति विमुख, अबौद्धिक व्यक्ति
PhilologyStudy of words and their roots.भाषा शास्त्र
PhobiaAn extreme or irrational fear of somethingभय, दर
Phonetics, AcousticsStudy of sound.ध्वनि का अध्ययन
PhrenologyStudy of skull with regard to human character.कपालविध्या
PhysiologyA study of the bodyशरीर क्रिया विज्ञान
PioneerOne who leads othersअग्रगामी, पथप्रदर्शक
PlagiaristOne who copies from other writersचोर लेखक
PlatitudesCommon place remarksतुच्छ बात, सामान्य युक्ति
PlutocracyA Government by the richधनिक तंत्र
PolyandryPractice of having several husbandsबहुपतित्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पति
PolygamyPractice of having several wivesबहुपत्नीत्व, एक समय में एक से ज्यादा पत्निया.
PolyglotOne who knows many languagesबहुभाषी
PolygonA figure with many angles or sides.बहुभुज
PortA place where ships seek shelter.बंदरगाह, रंग ढंग
PosthumousA book published after the death of its authorमरणोपरांत, मरणोपरांत प्रकाशित पुस्तक
PostmortemMedical examination of a dead bodyशव परीक्षा
PostscriptA short message added on to the end of a letter after the signatureअनुलेख, संयोजित अंश
PotableWater fit for drinkingपीने योग्य, पेय
PredatorAn animal who preys on other animalsशिकारी पशु, लूट मार करने वाला
PrejudiceTo form an opinion against anybody baselessly.पूर्वाग्रह, पक्षपातपूर्ण
ProstituteWoman who offers her body on hire.वैश्य, नीच काम में लगना
PsephologySystematic study of election trendsचुनाव विश्लेषण
PseudonymTo write under a different nameछद्मनाम, दूसरे नाम से लिखना
PugnacityTendency to quarrelझगडालुपन, कलह की इच्छा
PuristOne who is particular about the purity of one's language.शुद्धिवादी, शुद्दता का ज्ञान रखने वाला
QuackOne who pretends skill in medicine and surgery.नीम हकीम, बत्तख की बोली
QuadrupedAnimal having four foot.चौपाया, चार पैर का जानवर
QuarantineIsolation imposed on infected people.किनारे तक आने जाने की रोक, 40 दिन का समय
QuatrainStanza of four lines.चौपाई,
QuestionnaireFormulated series of Questions.प्रश्नावली
QuillA feather used as a pen.पंख की कलम, पक्षी का पंख
QuorumFixed number of person that must be present to make proceedings valid.निर्दिष्ट संख्या, कार्यवाह संख्या
RadiationEmission of light or heat from central point.विकिरण चिकित्सा, रेडियो धर्मी पदार्थ की सहायता से इलाज करना
RapeTo use a woman by force.बलात्कार
RebelOne who takes up arms against governmentबगावत करना, राज विरोधी, बागी
RedtapismToo much official formalitiesलालफ़ीताशाही
ReferendumDirect decision by a general vote on the single question.जनमत संग्रह
RegicideMurder of the kingराज हत्या, राज हत्यारा
RepublicA state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.गणराज्य
RetaliateGive tit for tatबदला लेना, पलट कर हमला करना
ReticentOne who speaks lessकम बोलने वाला, मित-भाषी
ReticuleA lady's purse.बटुवा
RetrospectiveWhich takes effect from some earlier dateभूतलक्षी, पूर्वाव्यापी, बीते हुए समय से लागू
RobotAn intelligent and obedient machine like a man.यंत्र मानव, यंत्रवत काम करने वाला
SacrilegeViolating the sanctity of a churchअपवित्रीकरण
SamaritanOne who helps othersनेक आदमी, मुसीबत में मदद करने वाला
SanatoriumPlace of good climate where invalids are kept.आरोग्य निवास, स्वास्थ्यालय
SanctuaryA place of refuge recognized as secure.शरण स्थल, गर्भ ग्रह
ScepticOne who is given to questioning the truth of facts and the soundness of inferences.अविश्वासी, शक्की
ScribbleWrite hurriedly or carelessly in regard to hand writing.घसीटना, घसीट कर लिखने वाला, अस्पष्ट लेख
SculptureThe art of making dolls.मूर्तिकला, प्रतिमा
SecularWhich does not favour anyone religion.धर्मनिरपेक्ष, सांसारिक
SericultureBreeding of silkworm for silk production.रेशम के कीड़ो का पालन, रेशम उत्पादन
SestetA stanza of six lines.6 पंक्तियों की कविता, छन्द
ShrewA woman with peevish natureझगडालू नारी, कलहकारिणी
SimultaneousHappening at the same timeएक साथ हुआ
SinecureAn office with high salary but no workआराम की नौकरी, दायित्वहीन पद
SmugglerA person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal or in order to avoid paying duty on themतस्कर
SolarEclipse of Sunसूर्य ग्रहण
SoliloquySpeaking himself when aloneबातचीत जो अपने आप से कि जाये
SoloA piece of music by one person.एकल प्रदर्शन, एकल गायन या वादन
SomnambulismWalking in sleepनींद में चलना
SomniloquismTalking in sleepनींद में बातें करना/बोलना
SoporificA drug or other substance that induces sleepनिंद्राजनक, आलस्यजनक
SororicideKilling of one's own sister.बहन की हत्या
SpectrumImage formed by rays of lightवर्णक्रम, तरंग, विस्तृत श्रेणी
Spendthrift, ProdigalA person who spends his money recklessly.फिजूल खर्ची, खर्चीला
SpokesmanOne who speaks on behalf of othersप्रवक्ता
StableA place where horses are kept.अस्तबल, घुड़साल
SterilizeTo make free from living germs or bacteria.वन्ध्यीकरण करना, रोगाणुरहित करना, जीवाणु रहित बनाना
StoicOne who is indifferent to pleasure or painनिर्लिप्त, भावहीन, बैरागी
SuicideMurder of selfखुदकुशी
SynonymsWords which have the same meaningपर्यायवाची
TeetotalerOne who does not take alcoholic drinksपूर्णतया मद्यत्यागी, शराब ना पीने वाला
TeetotalersOne who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.पूर्णतया मध्यात्यागी, जो कोई नशा ना करे
TelltaleOne who enjoy talking about others private affairsचुगलखोर, भेद खोलने वाला
TerminusStation at the of a route.आखिरी स्थान, अंतिम स्टेशन
TheistOne who believes in Godआस्तिक, ईश्वरवादी
ThermometerAn instrument for measuring temperature.गर्मी-सर्दी नापने का यंत्र
TragedyA writing which end in death or sorrow.त्रासदी, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना
TranslucentThat through which light can partly passपरभासी, जिसके बीच से लाइट पार ना जा सके
TransmigrationPassing of soul from one body to another after deathदेहांतरण, जन्मान्तर
TransparentThat through which light can passपारदर्शी, स्पष्ट
TripodHaving three legs.तिपाई, तीन पैर वाला
TruantA student left school or class without permissionबिना अनुमति लिये अनुपस्थित
TruismAn often repeated truthस्वयं सिद्ध
TrustConfidence reposed in person by making them nominal owner.भरोसा करना, आशा करना
TurncoatOne who changes sidesगिरगिट, विश्वासघाती
TwinsTwo children born together.जुड़वाँ
UbiquitousFound or present everywhere.सर्वव्यापी, देशव्यापी
UnanimousAll of one mind.एकमत, सर्वसम्मत, एकचित
UnavoidableIncapable of being avoided.जिसे टाला ना जा सके, अपरिहार्य, अनिवार्य
UnilateralDecision taken by one's side only.एकतरफा, एकपक्षिक
UniversalBelonging to all parts of the world.असीम, सम्पूर्ण, व्यापक
Up-to-dateHaving information till today.आधुनिकतम, नवीनतम
UsurerOne who lends money at higher rate of interestसूदखोर
UtopiaA state of highest perfectionआदर्श लोक, राम राज्य
UxoricideMurder of wifeपत्नी की हत्या, पत्नी का हत्यारा
ValetudinarianOne who always thinks himself to be illबीमार, जो अपने आपको हमेशा बीमार समझता हो.
VandalOne who damages public propertyतोड़ फोड़ करने वाला, सत्यानाशी, बर्बर
VegetarianSomebody who doesn’t eat meat or fishशाकाहारी
VenialA pardonable offenseक्षम्य, क्षमा योग्य अपराध
VentriloquistOne who can throw his voiceतरह तरह की आवाज निकाल सकने वाला, पेट बोला
VerbatimRepetition of word by wordलफज-ब-लफज, शब्दशः
verboseStyle full of wordsशब्द-आडंबरपूर्ण,
VertebrateAnimals having spinal column.रीढ़धारी
VesperEvening prayer in a churchगिरजाघर में सांयकाल की प्रार्थना
VeteranSomebody who is considerably experienced in somethingअनुभवी
VolunteerOne who works for freeस्वयं सेवक
WardrobeAn almirah where clothes are keptअलमारी, वस्त्रागार
Weather-cockA cock-shaped indicator on the building top to show the direction of air.मौसम बताने वाला यंत्र
WidowA woman whose husband is dead.विधवा, बेवा
WidowerA man whose wife has diedविधुर
Wireless or RadioMethod of sending messages without the help of wires.बिना तार का संदेश संप्रेषण
ZodiacA belt of the heavenly bodies divided into equal signs.राशि चक्र, ज्योतिष चक्र
ZooA place where birds and animals are kept.चिड़ियाघर, जन्तुशाला
ZoologyA study of animalsजन्तु विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान

OWS STARTS WITH A-B                     OWS STARTS WITH C-F                                                             OWS STARTS WITH G-I                     
OWS STARTS WITH J-O                                                     OWS STARTS WITH P-Z 

Best One Word Substitution

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