The Hindu Vocab 1

1. Eligible: Satisfying the appropriate conditions i.e., suitable (उपयुक्त)
As you fulfill all the desired qualifications, you are eligible for the post.

2. Illegible: That which cannot be read easily (अपठनीय)
Try to improve your writing as it is illegible.

3. Legible: That which can be read easily (पठनीय)

4. Cite: Quote (उद्धृत करना)

5. Site: Place (स्थान)
He has cited the incident as he was present at the site.

6. Sight: Power of seeing (दृष्टि)
His eyesight is weak.

7. Alter: Change (बदलना)
You have to follow the rules and regulations of the office. You are not allowed to alter them.

8. Altar: a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity. (चढ़ावा चढाने का स्थान)
In ancient times, the rulers offered offerings to the deity at the altar.

9. Alternate: One after another (एक छोड़कर दूसरा)
His classes are held on alternate day.

10. Alternative: Choice (विकल्प)
You have to choose correct alternative from the alternatives given below.

11. Comma: A punctuation mark (अल्प विराम)
Use comma in a sentence where small pause is required

12. Coma: Deep unconscious state (अचेतन अवस्था)
He is in a state of coma after a serious accident.
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The Hindu Vocab 1

<center><h1>The Hindu Vocab 1</h1></center>
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