1. Assault: Make a physical attack (आक्रमण करना)
The militants assaulted on the base camp at Pathankot.
2. Demonstrate: To show something or to reveal (दिखाना)
On every Independence Day the Indian Army demonstrates its arms and ammunitions.
3. Inflict: Impose some unwelcome things. (अनचाही बातें थोपना)
It is wrong to inflict one’s belief on everyone else.
4. Massacre: Deliberate killing of large number of people. (नरसंहार)
Terrorist attack on Peshawar University leads to massacre of several students.
5. Moratorium: Temporary stay on any activity (अस्थाई रोक)
The government will give three years moratorium on the income tax under Start up India scheme.
6. Reliant: To depend on others (निर्भर)
For the security of the country India is reliant on Security Forces.
7. Swathes: A large area especially of land (जमीन का बहुत बड़ा क्षेत्र)
China has captured swathes of Indian territory.
8. Conspiring: make secret plan to harm anyone. (षड्यंत्र)
Some soldiers conspire against their country for a penny of money.
9. Petition: A formal written request (याचिका)
A review petition has been filed in the Supreme Court of India.
10. Sentence: The punishment assigned to a defendant found guilty by the court
Death sentence should be awarded only in the rarest of the rare cases.
11. Inexhaustible: Which cannot be destroyed (अक्षय)
The petroleum products are not inexhaustible.
12. Verdict: An opinion or judgment (निर्णय)
The Supreme Court is the final authority to give verdict on any legal Constitutionalmatter.
13. Apparent: Clearly visible or understood (स्पष्ट)
It became apparent that he is inattentive in his duty.
14. Culminating: Ending (समापन)
Generally cultural activity is the culminating programme of any major event.
15. Magnanimous: Charitable (उदार)
He is very magnanimous to give me permission to do whatever I want to do.
The Hindu Vocabs 2