6th March 2016
- Pronged (Adjective) – Angled / Bifurcate – कॉंटेदार
A Couple of Pronged sticks are driven into the ground to serve as props for a horizontal bar.
- Myopic –(Adjective) – Astigmatic / Nearsighted – अदूरदर्शी
I had to save the day by answering that I was glad to be myopic just now.
- Boomerang – (V) – Backlash / recoil – विपरित आ पड़ना
Bewildered, she tried to retaliate with the boomerang of vituperation.
- Slunk/slink – (V) Cower / glide / pussyfoot – चुपके से आना
Fayette slunk away ashamed, and the other paused to recover himself.
- Paucity – dearth / meagerness – अभाव / कमी
For some reason or other there is a paucity of woodpeckers on the Nilgiris.
- Bonhomie – (N) – Graciousness / amenity – मिलनसारिता / सौजन्य
She is famous for her bonhomie and is a fine story teller.
- Render – (V) – Import / cede / relinquish / present – बना देना/ प्रस्तुत करना/ देना
I have put an imperfect account to render of my doings here.
- Baron (N) – aristocrat / peer / nobleman – ताल्लुकदार / नवाब / शक्तिशाली उद्योगपति
“This may become a matter for the baron” Personal attention”. Continue the steward.
- Simultaneously (adv.) – एक साथ / एक ही समय
Mischievously, the captain would order all the cannon to be simultaneously discharged.
- Comprise – (V) – Encompass / span / contain – समावेश करना / मिलाना
The former are used for distant operations and comprise nine vessels.
The Hindu Vocabs