An adverb usually qualifies a verb, an adjective, an adverb, a preposition a sentence or a noun or pronoun also.
Ex.- Neha sings well. (Verb+Adverb)
You are very beautiful. (Adverb+Adjective)
She writes very carefully. (Adverb+Adverb)
The bird flew exactly over my head. (Adverb+Preposition)
I dislike her simply because she smokes. (Adverb+Conjunction)
Fortunately, the thief was caught in the night. (Adverb+Sentence)
Only Ram can make you understand about what you want to know. (Adverb+Noun)
Kinds of Adverbs
1. Simple Adverbs- ऐसे Adverbs,जो एक शब्द समूह की विशेषता बताते है Simple Adverbs कहलाते है
जैसे- yesterday, next week, below, hardly, always, fast, everywhere.
1. Adverbs of time- वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जो समय का बोध कराते है
Adverbs of time कहलाते है।
Such As- today, yesterday, last week, next month, lately, shortly, at present, already, early, ago आदि Adverbs of time के Simple Adverbsहै Adverbs of time के Interrogative तथा Relative Adverbs– when, how long आदि है।
2. Adverbs of place- वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जो स्थान या जगह का बोध कराते है
Adverbs of place कहलाते है।
Such As- here. There, up, down, everywhere, in, out, somewhere, inside, outside आदि Adverbs of place के Simple Adverbs है Adverbs of place के Interrogativeतथा Relative Adverbs– where, from where आदि है।
3. Adverbs of Number/Frequency-वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जो किसी कार्य के होने की बारम्बारता या संख्या बताते है Adverbs of Number/Frequency है।
Such As- once, twice, thrice, always, never, seldom, often, scarcely, rarely आदि Adverbs of Number/Frequency के Simple Adverbs है Adverbs of Number/Frequency के Interrogative तथा Relative Adverbs– how many times, how often आदि है।
4. Adverbs of quantity, Range or Extent- वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जो किसी Adverb या Adjective की मात्रा, क्षेत्र या विस्तार बताते है Adverbs of quantity, Range or Extent कहलाते है।
Such As- very, much, quite, enough, too, completely, wholly, fairly, partially, आदि Adverbs of quantity के Simple Adverbs है Adverbs of quantity केInterrogative तथा Relative Adverbs– how much, how far, to what extent आदि है।
5. Adverbs of manner- वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जो किसी कार्य के करने या होने के तरीके का पता चले Adverbs of manner कहलाते है।
Such As- carefully, beautifully, critically, fluently, fast, seriously, clearly आदि Adverbs of manner के Simple Adverbs है Adverbs of manner के Interrogative तथा Relative Adverbs– who, in, what, way आदि है।
6. Adverbs of Reason- वे शब्द (words) या शब्द-समूह (phrases) जिससे किसी कार्य के करने या होने के कारण का पता चले Adverbs of reason कहलाते है।
Such As- consequently, hence तथा therefore – Adverbs of Reason के Simple Adverbs है Adverbs of Reason के Interrogative तथा Relative Adverbs– why, wherefore आदि है।
7. Adverbs of Affirmation or Negation- yes, no, surely, certainly, not, not at all, indeed, आदि को Adverbs of Affirmation or Negative कहा जाता है
2. Interrogative Adverbs -ऐसे Adverbs,जिनका प्रयोग प्रश्न पूछ्ने के लिए किया जाता है Interrogative Adverbs कहलाते है
जैसे- when, where, why, how many, how much, how far
जैसे- when, where, why, how many, how much, how far
3. Relative Adverbs – ऐसे Interrogative Adverbs, जो दो वाक्यों को जोडते है Relative Adverbs कहलाते है जैसे- when, where, why .
Relative Adverbs किसी स्पष्ट या अस्पष्ट antecedent का सम्बंध बताता है
जैसे- I remember the house where I was born.
Note:- Antecedent वह Noun होता है जो किसी Relative Adverbs के पहले आ कर अन्य शब्दों के साथ सम्बंध बताता है।
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