Directions : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, then the answer is last option.
Exercise 1
1. We (A)/saw (B)/a elephant (C)/ in the zoo (D)/No error (E).
2. It is (A)/a most (B)/beautiful (C)/painting of the gallery (D)/No error (E).
3. Mr. Gaurav Sharma (A)/is (B)/coming to (C)/dinner (D)/No error (E).
4. I (A)/go (B)/to cinema (C)/every Sunday (D)/No error (E).
5. He (A)/ went there (B)/a hour (C)/ago (D)/No error (E).
6. He (A)/always speaks (B)/truth (C)/No error (D).
7. Kashmiri (A)/shawls (B)/are made of (C)/the hair of sheep (D)/No
error (E).
8. The Taj Mahal (A)/is (B)/situated (C)/at the Agra (D)/No error (E).
9. Bible (A)/said that (B)/the sun (C)/goes round the earth (D)/No error (E).
10. An horse(A)/is (B)/running(C)/in the ground (D)/No error(E).
11. An European (A)/dish (B)/is (C)/very famous (D)/No error (E).
12. Rome (A)/was (B)/not built (C)/in a day (D)/No error (E).
13. Ritika (A)/helps (B)/poor and (C)/the sick people (D)/No error (E).
14. The Sapna (A)/is a very (B)/beautiful (C)/girl (D)/No error (E).
15. I (A)/saw (B)/an one rupee note (C)/on the road (D)/No error (E).
16. The boy (A)/is (B)/swimming (C)/in the pool (D)/No error (E).
17. Here is a red (A)/shirt (B)/which Sapna gave me (C)/yesterday (D)/
No error (E).
18. Shatabdi express (A)/runs (B)/very (C)/fast (D)/No error (E).
19. Parul (A)/was also invited (B)/to the lunch hosted by the queen, (C)/at her cottage yesterday (D)/No error (E).
20. My uncle (A)/is (B)/a (C)/S.P. (D)/No error (E).
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Answer with Details Explanation
1. C. An should be used before elephant2. B. The should be used before "Most" because it is in superlative degree
3. E.
4. C. Go to the cinema is a phrase
5. C. An should used instead of A
6. C. "Speak the truth" is phrase
7. A. 'The' is used before nouns which name the inhabitants of a country or city collectively.
8. D. Remove The as Generally no article is used before the name of place
9. A. The should be used before "Bible"
10. A should replace An
11. A. Replace An with A; Though 'European' begins with vowel 'E', yet it sounds 'yoo' or 'u'.
12. E.
13. C. Add The before Poor The+Adjective=Plural Noun
14. A. Remove The
15. C. A should replace An
16. A. The will be replaced with A
17. A. The should be used instead of A; Here we are referring to not just any red shirt but a particular red shirt. In such cases where we are definite about object we are referring, we use "the"
18. A. The should be used before "Shatabdi"
19. E
20. An should be used instead of A
12. E.
13. C. Add The before Poor The+Adjective=Plural Noun
14. A. Remove The
15. C. A should replace An
16. A. The will be replaced with A
17. A. The should be used instead of A; Here we are referring to not just any red shirt but a particular red shirt. In such cases where we are definite about object we are referring, we use "the"
18. A. The should be used before "Shatabdi"
19. E
20. An should be used instead of A
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