1. A chill wind blew (1) / and icy fingers of death (2) / crept up my spine. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 333 TL 4]

2. Such rules (1) / do not apply to (2) / you and I. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 333 TL 4]

3. The river (1) / has overflown (2) / its banks. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 333 TL 4]

4. IIM Calcutta's MBA programme (1) / is regarded (2) / as the finest in the country. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 333 TL 4]

5. One of the most (1) / widely spread (2) / bad habit is the use of tobacco. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 333 TL 4]

6. He feels his troubles (1) / as much or (2) / even more than they. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 055 NJ 6]

7. I like reading (1) / more than (2) / to play. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 055 NJ 6]

8. The old lady swooned (1) / but was soon (2) / restored at senses. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 055 NJ 6]

9. I shall have to (1) / withdraw from my savings (2) / to buy a new car. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 055 NJ 6]

10. The whole block of flats (1) / including two shops were (2) / destroyed in fire. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 055 NJ 6]

11. The new device (1) / aims at eliminating (2) / the risk of short - circuiting. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 898 NH 0]

12. I wish to heartily (1) / congratulate you for (2) / your astounding success. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 898 NH 0]

13. The visitor took the vacant seat (1) / next from mine (2) / one of the many huge sofas in the room. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 898 NH 0]

14. He was (1) / a learnt man among lords, (2) / and a lord among learned men. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 898 NH 0]

15. With our great annoyance (1) / we found the ground (2) / filled with broken glasses. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 898 NH 0]

16. The priest emphasised (1) / that it is the duty (2) / of all Christians to love each other. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 765 PK 3]

17. The pond is flooded (1) / with water because it is raining (2) / continuously for the last three days. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 765 PK 3]

18. Scaling the high wall, (1) / a vast expanse of greenery (2) / reaching up to the horizon was seen. (3) / No error(4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 765 PK 3]

19. Any of the two (1) / roads leads / (2) to the station. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 765 PK 3]

20. This is the boy (1) / who I think had won (2) / the gold medal in the dance competition. (3) / No error (4)
[SSC CGL Exam 2014, Test Form No. 765 PK 3]

Answers & Complete Explanations
1. Answer - (3). A chill wind blew and icy fingers of death creep into my spine.
2. Answer - (3). Such rules do not apply to you and me.
3. Answer - (2). The river has overflowed its banks.
4. Answer - (4). No error.
5. Answer - (3). One of the most widely spread bad habits is the use of tobacco.
6. Answer - (3). He feels his troubles (1) / as much or (2) / even more than him.
7. Answer - (3). I like reading more than to playing.
8. Answer - (3). The old lady swooned but was soon restored to senses.
9. Answer - (2). I shall have to withdraw my savings to buy a new car.
10. Answer - (2). The whole block of flats including two shops was destroyed in fire.
11. Answer - (3). The new device aims at eliminating the risk of short - circuit.
12. Answer - (2). I wish to heartily congratulate you on your astounding success.
13. Answer - (2). The visitor took the vacant seat next to mine one of the many huge sofas in the room.
14. Answer - (2). He was a learned man among lords, and a lord among learned men.
15. Answer - (1). To our great annoyance we found the ground filled with broken glasses.
16. Answer - (3). The priest emphasised that it is the duty of all Christians to love one another.
17. Answer - (2). The pond is flooded with water because it has been raining continuously for the last three days.
18. Answer - (1). While scaling the high wall, a vast expanse of greenery reaching up to the horizon was seen.
19. Answer - (1). Instead of 'Any' use Neither or Either.
20. Answer - (4). No error.

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