PART I: Adjectives, verbs and nouns governed by a preposition.
- abhorrence of (violence, not for or to) adequate for / to
- abhorrent to (a person) adhere to
- abide by (a rule, a decision) adherent (adj.) of (not to)
- abide in (a place) adherent (n.) of (person or party, not to)
- abide with (stay, remain) admiration for (not at)
- ability at (chess, not with) admit in / into (accept)
- able to admit of (a solution, allow)
- abound in / with admit to (a crime, confess)
- abreast of (not about) adoration
- absolve (a person) from / of (duty, punishment) advance (n.) in / on (improvement)
- abstain from (doing, not to do) advantage of / to / over
- abundant in / with advantageous for / to
- accede to (a demand) adverse to (not against or from)
- acceptable to (not by) advise (a person) of (inform)
- accepted by advise (a person) on (counsel)
- accessory to (the crime) advocate (n. v.) for (human rights)
- accommodate to (a situation) advocate (n.) of (policy)
- accommodate (a person) with (a thing) affectionate to(wards)
- accompanied by (a person) affiliated to / with
- accompanied with (a thing) affiliation to / with
- accord (v.) to (grant) affinity between / with (liking)
- accord (v.) with (match) affinity with (kinship, not for or to)
- account(able) for (explain, produce, be afflicted with (not by)
- responsible) afraid of (not at, by or for),
- account(able) to (a person) for (something) agree on (a matter or opinion)
- accuse(d) of (a crime, not for, in or with) agree on / upon (a plan of action)
- accustomed to (not with) agree to (a proposal, action, settlement)
- acquaint (a person) with (something) agree with (a person, proposition)
- acquiesce in (not to, under or with) aggravate by
- acquit of (crime, blame) aggrieved at / by
- activated by (revenge, not with) agonize over (not about)
- adamant about / on aim at (doing, or a target)
- adapted for (purpose, nature) aim for (victory)
- adapted from (based on) aim to (do)
- adapted to (ability, purpose) alert (someone) to (something, not of)
- addicted to alert to (the danger, not of)
- addiction to (not for) alarmed at / by
- adept at (doing something, not with) alien (adj.) to
- adept in (an art or practice) align against / with
- allegiance to (not with)
- allocate to (not for)
- allow for (make provision for)
- allow of (permit)
- aloof from / with (not to)
- alternative of (one thing or another)
- alternative to (not for, from or of)
- amazed at (surprised)
- amazed by (bewildered)
- ambitious for / of (fame)
- ambivalent about (not to or towards)
- amenable to (not by)
- amused at / by / with
- anagram of (not for)
- analogous to
- analogy between (equivalence)
- analogy of / to (simile)
- analogy with (comparison, resemblance)
- anathema to (somebody)
- anger (v.) (someone) by (interrupting, not for)
- angry about / against / at / over / towards (a thing)
- angry against / at / towards / with (a person)
- animus against (not towards)
- annoyed about / at / by (something)
- annoyed at / with (a person)
- answer (n.) to (not of)
- answer (v.) for (misdeeds)
- answer (v.) for (be responsible)
- answer (v.) to (the voters)
- answer (v.) to (respond, match)
- antagonized by (not about)
- antagonistic to / towards
- antidote against / to / with
- antipathy to / toward(s) (not against or for or of)
- antithesis between (contrast)
- antithesis of opposite, not to)
- antithetical to
- anxious about / for (health, safety, not of)
- anxious for (eager)
- anxious to (do something)
- apathy toward(s) (something, not against or on)
- apologize for
- appalled at / by
- appeal (n. v.) against (a sentence)
- appeal for (help)
- appeal (n. v.) to (someone) for (something)
- appealing (adj. v.) to (be attractive, not for)
- applicable to (not for)
- apply for (a passport)
- apply to (address oneself to)
- appoint (someone) to (a position, not for)
- appreciation of (not for)
- appreciative of
- apprehensive about (a person)
- apprehensive of (danger)
- apprised of (the facts)
- appropriate (v.) for / to
- appropriate (adj.) for / to (a purpose)
- approve of
- aptitude for (not about)
- arbitrate between / in
- argue about / against / with (a person)
- argue about / against / for / over (something)
- argue for (in support of)
- arrival at (not to)
- ashamed of (not about, at, by or for)
- ashamed to (do)
- ask (a question) about (a subject)
- ask (a question) of (a person)
- aspire after / to (covet, not at or for)
- assault (n.) on (not of)
- assist in (cooking, not to cook)
- associated with (not in or to)
- association with (not in or to)
- astonished at / by
- astounded at / by
- astride of (not over)
- attachment to (not for or with)
- attack (n.) by / of / on (thing or person, not against)
- attempt (n.) at (climbing a mountain)
- attempt (n.) on (someone's life)
- attend to (needs)
- attend upon (orders)
- attendant on (not to)
- attended by (visitors)
- attended with (success, fanfare)
- attitude of / to(ward) (not about or over)
- attribute (n.) of
- attuned to (not with)
- authority for (warrant)
- authority on (expert)
- authority over (power, control)
- avail (oneself) of (a thing)
- averse to (not against or from)
- aversion to (not for)
- avert from
- aware(ness) of (not about)
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