1. FRAMEWORK: Basic structure (ढाँचा, रूपरेखा) The management’s framework on the policy guidelines has been explained to every employee of the company. 2. DELIVER: Execute, bring and hand over (देना, सौंपना) Banks can deliver better services with the proper use of information technology. 3. RENDERING: To provide or perform (देना, प्रस्तुत करना) He is rendering great services to the society by helping the orphans. 4. RECREATIONAL: Activity done for enjoyment (मनोरंजन) There must be provision for recreational spaces in the colony in major cities. 5. VIOLATED: Fail to comply with (उल्लंघन करना) Rules should not be violated by anybody. 6. UPGRADING: Improving standard of anything (उन्नयन, सुधार करना) Smart city plan will upgrade the infrastructure in the selected cities. 7. SUSTAINABLE: Able to be upheld, continuous (सतत) In hydrogen bomb sustainable nuclear fusion reactions take place between the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. 8. ADOPTION: Action of being adopted, to accept (अंगीकरण, स्वीकार करना) The new dress code has been adopted by the company. 9. WITNESSED: Testify to (साक्ष्य) We have witnessed the change in the structure of Indian economy after opening of the economy in 1991. 10. IMPERATIVE: of vital importance, crucial (अनिवार्य) Immediate actions are imperative in corruption cases 11. IMPACT: Effect (प्रभाव) Parents and teachers have major impact on the behavior of children. 12. OUTCOMES: result or consequence (परिणाम) The success or failure of any plan should be measured by its outcome. 13. ASSET: Valuable thing or property (पूँजी) You should not mutilate the public properties as they are our national assets. 14. SCARCE: Insufficiency, deficit (कमी) We are depleting the scarce resource of petro products. 15. VANGUARD: Leading position (प्रमुख स्थिति) The prototype was in the vanguard of technical research and development. 16. SPUR: To encourage someone (प्रोतसाहित करना, प्रेरणा) His last activity as a statesman was to spur the sultan on to press the war against Avanti. 17. GERMANE: Relevant to subject under consideration (सार्थक) That is not germane to our plan or goal. 18. CONTENTION: Disagreement or dispute (विवाद) Kashmir is the bone of contention between India and Pakistan. 19. FISCAL: Related to Government revenue (राजकोषीय) Fiscal deficit of the Central government will increase on the implementation of the seventh pay commission report. 20. CONSTRAINED: Restricted, Helpless (लाचार) This pleased him, yet her presence made him feel constrained and oppressed. |
The Hindu Vocabs 8