The Hindu Vocabs 6

  1. Feeling blue = Feeling unhappy (ख़ुशी महसूस न करना)
He is feeling blue as the result is against his expectation. 

  1. Out of the blue = Completely unexpected (बिल्कुल अनचाहा)
The criticism came out of the blue.

  1. To blue pencil = To censor (काट छाँट करना)
The proof reader has sat down again and he was fiddling with a blue pencil.

  1. Blue blood = Royal (शाही)
As his grandparents and great grandparents are the Prime minister of the Country, Rahul 
Gandhi is regarded as one of the country’s blue blood.

  1. Blue eyed boy = Favourite (प्रिय)
He was very much the blue-eyed boy in the office as he completes the assigned work on time.

  1. Blue murder = Loud outcry (भारी कोलाहल)
General public screamed blue murder when the price of essential commodities went up.  

  1. Blue in the face = To make an enormous but futile effort (निरर्थक कठिन परिश्रम)
He read till midnight but when result was declared it was proved as blue in the face.

  1. Once in the blue moon = Very rarely (बहुत मुश्किल से; कभी कभार)
I met my parents once in the blue moon as they live abroad.

  1. Blue ribbon / Blue riband = Highest prize in a competition (प्रतिस्पर्धा में सर्वोच्च पुरष्कार)
His entry at the state fair won the blue ribbon.

  1. To beat black and blue = Beat mercilessly (निर्दयतापूर्वक पीटना)
Domestic servant was beaten black and blue on a mere suspicion of stealing of hundred rupees.

  1. True blue = Completely loyal (पूर्ण विश्वशनीय)
One should be true-blue towards one’s organization.

  1. The blues = The state of sadness or depression (दुःख की स्तिथि में)
On hearing the death of his loved one, he went in the state of the blues.

  1. Bolt from the blue = Sudden or unexpected shock (आकस्मिक झटका)
Resignation of top level management came as a bolt from the blue for the company.

  1. Talk a blue streak = To talk quickly without stopping (बिना रुके लगातार बोलना)
I cannot understand what he says as he talks a blue streak.

The Hindu Vocabs 6

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