The Hindu Vocabs 11

  1. Compliance – (agreement / acceptance)  (अनुपालन)
          All I wanted was compliance with my wishes after reasonable discussion.

  1. Litigious – (quarrel some) (विवादी)
         It was not a company to sympathise deeply with such a litigious spirit.

  1. Evasion – (escape / avoidance) (टालना)
         In face of this no evasion was possible.

  1. Scrutiny –(inspection / survey / close examination) (समीक्षा)
          The document should be available for public scrutiny.

  1. Immunity – (exemption / impunity) – (रोग–प्रतिरोधक शक्ति)
         He was granted immunity from prosecution.

  1. Diversity – (difference / variety) (विविधता)
         Diversity of judgment is a notable feature in the history of criticism.

  1. Stimulate – (excite / provoke) (प्रोत्‍साहित करना)
        All the petrol in the world would not stimulate her into life.

  1. Dubbed – (Name / label something) (करार दिया)
        I wanted to hear Subash’s voice in the movie, but unfortunately the theater only played a dubbed version.

  1. Dispel – (drive away thought / belief) (दूर करना)
         There is always a certain mystery about adventures. I can dispel it.

  1. Enhanced – (increase / value / extent of) – (बढ़ाया)
        The measures taken should considerably enhance the residents quality of life.

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The Hindu Vocabs 11

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