The Hindu Vocabs 10

 Mercy killing; the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease (इच्छा मृत्यु)

On the recommendation of the Law Commission report, Government of India is considering to allow euthanasia.

2. EXAMINING: Investing thoroughly (जाँच-पड़ताल करना)

The committee of secretaries is examining the 7th pay commission report.

3. ADVISED: Suggested, recommended (सलाह देना)

The team should be advised to do some research on the subject matters.

4. ENACTMENT: The process of passing legislation (अधिनियम)

The Parliament is authorized for the enactment of the laws.

5. LEGISLATION: Law (कानून)

Government is considering that the legislation related to euthanasia is the need of the time.

6. TRANSIENT: Temporary, for the time being (क्षणिक)

He got a job and is very happy but his happiness is transient as he received the news of his mother’s accident.

7. QUEST: Search of something (खोज)

Gautam Buddha renounced his family life in quest of peace.

8. REVIVAL: Come back (पुनरुद्धार)

The Atal Pension Scheme is the revival of the pension scheme of the earlier government with a new name.

9. PROGRESSIVE: Developing gradually (क्रमिक विकास)

10. HUMANE: Showing compassion or benevolence (मानवीय, दयालु)

The policies of the government should not only progressive but also humane in nature.

11. DIGNITY: The state of being worthy of honour (मर्यादा, गरिमा)

The courtier bowed with great dignity.

12. BACKING: Support, to help (समर्थन)

He has financial backing of his brother.

13. LETHAL: Sufficient to cause death (जानलेवा)

Excessive dose of any medicine may prove to be lethal.

14. ILLEGAL: Against the law (गैर-कानूनी)

Betting on cricket matches is illegal in India.

15. CONSULTATION: The process of formal discussion (मशविरा)

The implementation of the law needs further consultation with the industry and workers.

16. VOID: Not valid (शून्य)

 His election as an MLA was declared void by the Supreme Court of India.

17. SEMBLANCE: The outward appearance or apparent form of something (दिखावा)

 He tried to force his thought back into some semblance of order.

18. DESPERATELY: Showing despair (निराशापूर्वक)

 When he lost his job, he looked all around desperately.

19. SEVERE: Strictly or hardly (सख्ती, कठोरता)

 Economic slowdown has severe impact on the banking sector.

20. COUP: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government (तख्तापलट)

The Pakistani Government was overthrown in an army coup.

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The Hindu Vocabs 10

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