

1. Present indefinite tense is used with an exclamatory sentence starting with "Here and There".

Present indefinite tense का प्रयोग "Here और There" से शुरू होने वाले exclamatory sentence के पहले किया जाता है। 

Ex. Here comes the bus!
There she goes!

2. Present indefinite tense is used in live commentary of sports or games where the sequence of action is emphasized rather than time of the action.

Present indefinite tense का प्रयोग खेलो के लाइव कमेंटरी में किया जाता है जहाँ समय से ज्यादा एक्शन का अनुक्रम ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण होता है। 

Ex. Sachin takes a step and hits the ball for a six.
Virat Kohli runs after the ball, catches it and throws it to the wicket keeper.

3. To quote a quotation present indefinite tense is often used.

Quotation को बताने के लिए Present indefinite tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है। 

Ex. Keats says, "A thing of beauty is is a joy for ever."

4. To show present habit of a person we can also use "have the habit of+v4" or "Verb to be in the habit of+v4"; Now look at structures below.

Str. Sub+has/have+the habit of+V4+obj.
Sub+am/is/are+in the habit of+V4+obj.

Ex. I have the habit of speaking English. मुझे अंग्रेजी बोलने की आदत है। 
She is in the habit of playing cricket in the morning. उसे सुबह में क्रिकेट खेलने की आदत है। 

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