
'Time' shows the meaning of the verb and 'Tense' provides the form of the verb used in a sentence. That is, the form of the verb used in the sentence is according to the context expressed by the time.
'Time' एक Universal concept जिसे हमलोग Present, Past और Future के रूप में जानते है। 
जबकि 'Tense' एक Grammatical term है जो समय के अनुसार किसी Verb के रूप को बताता है। 
'Time' और 'Tense' दो अलग-अलग चीजे है 'Time' किसी वाक्य में प्रयुक्त 'Verb' का अर्थ बताता है जबकि 'Tense' समय के अनुसार किसी 'Verb' का रूप बताता है। 
Note:- अतः यह कहना गलत होगा की "Time is called Tense" 
Tense मुख्यतः दो प्रकार के होते है।
लेकिन Sentence बनाने में ज्यादा परेशानी न हो इसलिए इसे तीन भागो में बांट दिया गया है।  

आगे इन तीनो Tenses को चार-चार भागो में बांटा गया है। 
निचे प्रत्येक Tense का Structure Examples के साथ दिया गया है। 

Simple PresentSubject+1st Verb/5th +ObjectMore Examples
1st Verb+ s/es=5th Verb (He, She, It,any Name, Singular noun)
A: Rahul speaks.
N: Rahul does not speak.
Q: Does Rahul speak?
A–> Affirmative N–> Negative Q–> Question
1st Verb –>(I, We, They, You,Plural Noun)
Eg.1. He walks
2. She does.
Present ContinuousSubject +is/am/are+1ST Verb+ Ing(V4)+ ObjectMore Examples
Is –> (He, She, It, any Name,Singular noun)
A: Rahul is speaking.
N: Rahul is not speaking.
Q: is Rahul speaking?
A–> Affirmative N–> Negative Q–> Question
Am –> I
Are –>(We, They, You, Plural Noun)
Eg.1. He is walking.
2. She is doing.
3. I am Playing.
Present PerfectSubject +Has/Have(Helping Verb)+3rd Verb+ ObjectMore Examples
Has–>(He ,She ,it ,any Name ,Singular noun)
A: He has spoken.
N: He has not spoken.
Q: Has he spoken?
Have–>(I, We, They, You, Plural Noun)
Eg.1. He has worked.
2. She has done.
Present Perfect ContinuousSubject + have/has(helping verb)+been+1st verb+ Ing+ Object+since/for+timeMore Examples
Has–>(He, She ,It ,any Name, Singular noun)
A: He has been speaking.
N: He has not been speaking.
Q: Has he been speaking?
Have–>(I, We, They, You, Plural Noun)
Eg.1. He has been working.
2. She has been doing.

Simple PastSubject+2nd Verb +ObjectMore Examples
Eg.1. He walked.A: He spoke.
N: He did not speak.
Q: Did he speak?
A–>Affirmative N–> Negative Q–> Question
2. She did.
3. I played.
4. You taught me the lesson.
Past ContinuousSubject +was/were+1st Verb+ ing+ ObjectMore Examples
Was –> (I, He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun)A: He was speaking.
N: He was not speaking.
Q: Was he speaking?
Were –>(We, They, You, Plural Noun)
Eg.1. He was walking.
2. She was doing.
3. I was Playing.
4. You were teaching the lesson.
Past PerfectSubject+ Had+3rd Verb+ ObjectMore Examples
Eg.1. He had worked.A: He had spoken.
N: He had not spoken.
Q: Had he spoken?
2. She had done.
3. I had played.
4. You had taught me the lesson.
Past Perfect ContinuousSubject+ had+been+1st verb+ Ing+ Object +since/for+timeMore Examples
Eg.1. He had been working  for an hour.A: He had been speaking for an hour.
N: He had not been speaking  for an hour.
Q: Had he been speaking  for an hour?
2. She had been doing  for an hour.
3. I had been playing  for an hour.
4. You had been teaching  for an hour.

Simple FutureSubject +will /shall+1st Verb+ ObjectMore Examples
Eg.1. He will walk.A: He will speak.
N: He will not speak.
Q: Will he speak?
A–>Affirmative N–> Negative Q–> Question
2. She will do.
3. I shall Play.
4. You will teach me the lesson.
Future ContinuousSubject+ will/shall(Helping Verb)+be+1st Verb+ ing+ ObjectMore Examples
Eg.1. He will be walking.A: He will be speaking.
N: He will not be speaking.
Q: Will he be speaking?
2. She will be doing.
3. I shall be Playing.
4. You will be teaching the lesson.
Future PerfectSubject+ will/shall(Helping Verb)+ have +3rd Verb + ObjectMore Examples
Eg.1. He will have worked.A: He will have spoken.
N: He will not have spoken.
Q: Will he be spoken.
2. She will have done.
3. I shall have played.
4. You will have taught me the lesson.
Future Perfect ContinuousSubject+ will +have+ been+1st verb +ing+ Object+from/for+time

More Examples
1. He will have been working for an hourA: He will have been speaking for an hour.

N: He will not have been speaking for an hour.

Q: Will he have been speaking for an hour?
2. She will have been doing for an hour.
3. I will have been playing for an hour.
4. You will have been teaching for an hour
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