Hold the enemy at bay
Prevented the enemy from coming near
To keep the pot boiling
Keep the controversy alive
Far cry
A long way off
Bolt from the blue
Sudden Sock
Win Hands down
Win easily
On and off
At intervals
With a high hand
Make no bone
Do without hesitation
Get hold of the wrong end ofthe stick
Misjudge the situation
On the wan
Cool as cucumber
Calm and composed
Catch 22
Absurd , a dilemma or difficult circumstance form
whichthere is no escape because of mutually conflicting of dependentconditions |
In a disorderedly manner
Plough a lonely furrow
Do without the help of others
Great hand
Expert at
Heap coals on someone’s t head
Make someone feel sorry
Perfectly confident
Cuts both ends
Argument in support of both sides of the issue
Feather own nest
Act for won future benefits
Throw down the gauntlet
Challenge someone, Behaved as very great and importantperson
On tenterhooks
An anxious suspense
Ride rough shod over
Treat harshly
Do a good turn by
Do a favour
On its last leg
About to perish/expire
Heart out
Suffer silently
Have the mind
Have the willingness
Cushy job
Financial comfortable job
Now and then
Midas touch
Ability to success in all projects
Paint with bright colour
To set the Thames on fire
A heroic deed
On the wrong side of fifty
Over fifty years old
Out of question
Brought matters to a head
Create an atmosphere of confrontation
In a jiffy
In a hurry
Double dealing
Blow own trumpet
To tell other people how good and successful you are
Let the grass grow under thefeet
Stayed out
Cut someone dead
To ignore someone totally
Make both end meet
Earn enough
Make light
Treat lightly
Wear the trousers
Hole and corner
Steal someone’s thunder
To lessen someone’s force
Yeoman service
Free, generous help
To the backbone
Lynch law
Law of the mob
Bitten of more than chew
Trying do to too much
Stalking horse
Trick , something that is used to hide someone’s real purpose
Make hay while the sun rises
Make the best use of a favourable situation
On the wane
Growing less
Lying down
Show no reaction
Cut out
Reviewed by www.Englishtricks99.com
10:47:00 AM