We have read a little about sentence in the previous blog now I am going to teach details about sentence. So please pay attention to what I am going to teach.
           From today I am going to use English as much as possible.

आज से Post में English का Use ज्यादा से ज्यादा किया जायेगा ताकि आपलोगो को भी हिंदी छोड़ English की आदत हो जाये। इससे अगर कोई Problems हो तो हमे बताये हम हमेशा आपकी मदद को तैयार है।

SENTENCE - A sentence is a collection of some words that conveys some meaning.


According to functions there are five Sentences.
कार्यो के आधार पर SENTENCE को पाँच भागो में बाँटा जा सकता है। 

Assertive Sentence
Interrogative Sentence 
Imperative Sentence
Optative Sentence
Exclamatory Sentence

1. ASSERTIVE SENTENCE- The sentences which makes statements, assertions or declarations are called assertive sentences. They are also known as"Declarative sentences". They end with full stop(.)

Assertive Sentence एक कथन होता है जिसमे किसी चीज को स्वीकार किया जाता हो। ये वाक्य हमेशा full stop(.) से समाप्त होते है।  

Example- Ram is good at playing cricket. राम क्रिकेट खेलने में अच्छा है। 
She is not paying attention to her studies. वह अपने पढाई पे ध्यान नही दे रही है। 


a. AFFIRMATIVE or POSITIVE SENTENCES- The sentence in which something is accepted admitted or confessed. 

वैसे वाक्य जिसमे किसी चीज को "हाँ" में स्वीकारा जाता हो। 
Ex. I have done this job.
She is one my best friends.

b. NEGATIVE SENTENCES- The sentences in which something is denied or not accepted. 

वैसे वाक्य जिसमे किसी चीज को नाकारा या इंकार किया जाता हो Negative Sentence कहा जाता है। 
 Ex. She is not my sister.
They will not let you do what you want to do right now.

Note- NEGATIVE SENTENCES में एक Negative Word का होना जरुरी होता है तो कुछ Negative Words निचे दिए जा रहे है उन्हें अच्छी तरह याद कर ले। 

Such as- No, Not, Never, None, Nobody. No one, No where, not at all, Little(), Few(), Neither, Nor etc.

2. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES- The sentences that ask questions are called interrogative sentences. They end with the question mark(?).  

वैसे वाक्य जिसका प्रयोग प्रश्न पूछने के लिए किया जाता है।ये वाक्य हमेशा Question mark(?) से समाप्त होते है।  
Ex. Are you a good boy?
Has she ever been to Landon before?


a. Yes-No Questions- The questions that can be answered in "yes or no" are called Yes-No questions. They generally start with the helping verb.

वैसे वाक्य जिसका जबाब हाँ या ना में दिया जा सकता है। ये प्रायः helping verb से शुरू होते है।

NOTE:- Helping verbs- is, are, am, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, etc.
Ex. Are you going to prepare for the competitive exam?
Has she done it for you?

b. WH. Questions- The questions that start with the wh. family or words. They cannot be answered in "yes or no".

वैसे वाक्य जो Wh. Family से शुरू होते है और जिसका जबाब Yes या No में नही दिया जा सकता है।

Wh. Family:- what, when, where, why, who, whom, when, which, whose, how.
Ex. What is your name, please?
How do you speak for a long time at a stretch? 

3. IMPERATIVE SENTENCES- The sentences which convey the meaning of order, command, request, suggestion. They generally start with V1 or  Don't+V1.

वैसे वाक्य जिससे आदेश, आग्रह, या सलाह का बोध होता हो। ये प्रायः V1 या Don't+V1 से शुरू होते है। 

Ex. Go there at once. 
Come here. 
Don't talk to me in such a manner.

4. OPTATIVE SENTENCES- The sentences that convey the meaning of wish, curse, blessing, prayer, strong desire etc. They generally start with "May". 

वैसे वाक्य जिससे इच्छा, अभिशाप, आशीर्वाद या मजबुत इच्छा का बोध होता हो। ये प्रायः May से शुरू होता है।
Ex. May you live long.
May she be blessed with a beautiful son.

5. EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES- The sentences which convey the sudden feeling of sorrow, joy, surprise, hatered etc. They generally end with exclamation mark(!).

वैसे वाक्य जिससे अचानक ख़ुशी, दुःख, आश्चर्य आदि का बोध हो। ये वाक्य प्रायः Exclamation Mark(!) से अंत होते है।
Ex. What a man!
How brave a boy he is!  
Here comes your father!

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