The sentences which usually have two parts first generally starts with conjunction "If, when, As soon as, etc.". The first one shows and condition while the other shows result. |
Note:-We do not normally use will or would in the conditional clause, use only in the main clause. |
There are three kinds of conditional structures.
1. First conditional: If I have enough money, I will go to Japan.
2. Second conditional: If I had enough money, I would go to Japan.
First Conditional
If+Sub+V1/V5+obj,+Sub+shall/will+V1+obj Time: This condition refers either to present or to future time. |
E.g. If our mother knows about this, she will not let us go to the cinema.
यदि हमारी माँ ये जानेगी तो वह हमलोगो को सिनेमा जाने की इजाजत नहीं देगी।
If you help the poor, God will help you.
यदि आप गरीबो की मदद करोगे तो भगवान आपकी मदद करेगें।
Second Conditional
Nature: Unreal (impossible) or improbable situations.
Time: present; The TENSE is past, but we are talking about the present, now.
E.g. If I knew her name, I would tell you.
यदि मैं उसका नाम जानता तो मैं आपको बता देता।
If I were you, I would tell my father.
यदि मैं तुम्हारे जगह होता तो मैं अपने पापा को बता देता।
Compare first and second conditional
If I became president, I would change the social security system. (Said by a schoolboy: improbable) If we win this match, we are qualified for the semifinals. If I won a million pounds, I would stop teaching. (improbable) |
Third Conditional If+Sub+had+V3+obj,+Sub+would+have+V3+obj
Nature: Unreal
Time: Past (so we are talking about a situation that was not so in the past.)
E.g. If you had warned me before, I would not have told your father about that party.(But you didn't, and I have).
यदि आप मुझे पहले बता देते तो मैं आपके पिता जी को उस पार्टी के बारे में नहीं बताया होता। (लेकिन आपने नहीं बताया और मैंने बता दिया)
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Conditional Structures
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